Physiotherapy is medical treatment for problems of the joints, muscles, or nerves, which involves doing exercises or having part of your body massaged or warmed.
He'll need intensive physiotherapy.
physiotherapy in British English
the therapeutic use of physical agents or means, such as massage, exercises, etc
Also called: physical therapy or (informal) physio or (US) physiatrics
Derived forms
physiotherapist (ˌphysioˈtherapist)
physiotherapy in American English
physical therapy
Derived forms
physiotherapist (ˌphysioˈtherapist)
Examples of 'physiotherapy' in a sentence
Lots of clients arrive by ambulance or wheelchair for the physiotherapy.
Anita Anderson SUMMER OF SECRETS (2003)
According to the consultant neurologist, prolonged physiotherapy can
West, Charles STAGE FRIGHT (2003)
Her first hour of physiotherapy complete, Stephanie stepped out of the Chelsea & Westminster into a persistent drizzle.
Mark Burnell CHAMELEON (2003)
Her first hour of physiotherapy complete, Stephanie stepped out of the Chelsea & Westminsterinto a persistent drizzle.
Mark Burnell CHAMELEON (2003)
In other languages
British English: physiotherapy /ˌfɪzɪəʊˈθɛrəpɪ/ NOUN
Physiotherapy is medical treatment given to people who cannot move a part of their body and involves exercise, massage, or heat treatment.