If you go over a document, incident, or problem, you examine, discuss, or think about it very carefully.
I won't know how successful it is until an accountant has gone over the books. [VERBPARTICLE noun]
More Synonyms of go over
See full dictionary entry for go
go over in British English
to be received in a specified manner
the concert went over very well
2. Also: go through(preposition)
to examine and revise as necessary
he went over the accounts
3. Also: go through(preposition)
to clean
she went over the room before her mother came
4. (preposition)
to check and repair
can you go over my car please?
5. Also: go through(preposition)
to rehearse
I'll go over my lines before the play
6. (adverb; foll byto)
to change (to a different practice or system)
will Britain ever go over to driving on the right?
to change one's allegiances
7. (preposition) slang
to do physical violence to
they went over him with an iron bar
go over in American English
to examine thoroughly
to do again
to review
4. US, Informal
to be successful
See full dictionary entry for go
Examples of 'go over' in a sentence
go over
It's something to do with the fact we all went out the night before and you want to get together and go over what happened last night.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
We were being served free drinks but when I went over to get a round the bar staff didn't recognise me and demanded payment.
The Sun (2016)
Strikers complained because it kept going over the bar.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Those teachers go over and help get some things established.
Christianity Today (2000)
So you go over and talk about salad.
The Sun (2010)
You get one man to go over the top and the others follow.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
You just need to let him move home and see how things go over email and phone.
The Sun (2011)
Go over the figures carefully before you commit.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
To think of going over the moor in the daylight and when the sky was blue!
Frances Hodgson Burnett The Secret Garden (1911)
It was still rising as it went over the bar.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Put it on the bottom shelf where the dregs of society get a real going over.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Had one of them gone over to the dark side?
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
We went over there to see her in the pony cart.
Max Arthur Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who WereThere (2006)
He had already fired a warning when his shot went over the bar after a mazy run.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
But so is picking a cheaper deal and getting charged for going over your allowance.
The Sun (2016)
It was as though we went over about a thousand marbles".
Eaton, John P & Haas, Charles A Titanic - Destination disaster (1987)
We need to see how he goes over the next couple of days in practice.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Take in a deep breath as you raise your arms and breathe out as you go over to one side.
MacEoin, Beth Healthy By Nature (1994)
We keep going over the play, reading it a million times.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
I think most just go over it.
The Sun (2014)
I think it has gone over the top.
The Sun (2010)
Because we are going over to play a game we're probably not going to do a whole lot.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
I went over and checked to see if she was OK.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
All related terms of 'go over'
go over to
If someone or something goes over to a different way of doing things, they change to it.
go ape over
to become extremely enthusiastic about
go over someone's head
to appeal to a higher authority than someone in an attempt to get what you want
go over with a fine-tooth comb
to examine very thoroughly
go over with a fine-toothed comb
to examine very carefully and thoroughly
go over sth with a fine-tooth comb/go through sth with a fine-tooth comb
If you say that you will go over something with a fine-tooth comb or go through something with a fine-tooth comb , you are emphasizing that you will search it thoroughly or examine it very carefully.
Chinese translation of 'go over'
go over
过(過)去 (guòqù)
(= check) 仔细(細)检(檢)查 (zǐxì jiǎnchá)
to go over sth in one's mind在脑(腦)子里(裡)过(過)一遍 (zài nǎozi li guò yī biàn)
See go
Nearby words of
go over
go on at
go on, be a devil!
go out
go over
go round
go through
go through with
All related terms of 'go over'
to go over sb's head
令某人不能理解 lìng mǒurén bùnéng lǐjiě
to be/go over the top
( Brit : inf ) 过(過)分 guòfèn
to go into ecstasies over
对(對) ... 发(發)狂 duì ... fākuáng
to go or fall head over heels
( lit ) 头(頭)朝下跌倒 tóu cháoxià diēdǎo
to go over sth in one's mind
在脑(腦)子里(裡)过(過)一遍 zài nǎozi li guò yī biàn
go without
( food, treats ) 没(沒)有 méiyǒu ...
go with
( combine well with : colours, clothes, foods ) 与(與) ... 协(協)调(調) yǔ ... xiétiáo
( person ) 离(離)开(開) líkāi ( to party, club ) 出去消遣 chūqù xiāoqiǎn ▶ to go out of 离(離)开(開) líkāi ▶ are you going out tonight? 你今晚出去吗(嗎)? nǐ jīnwǎn chūqù ma?
go on at
( nag ) 向 ... 唠(嘮)唠(嘮)叨叨 xiàng ... láolao-dāodao
go on about
对(對) ... 唠(嘮)唠(嘮)叨叨 duì ... láolao-dāodao
go on
( continue ) 继(繼)续(續) jìxù
go off with
( run away with : lover ) 同 ... 私奔 tóng ... sībēn
go off
( esp Brit : begin to dislike : person, place, idea etc ) 不再喜欢(歡) bù zài xǐhuan
go into
( enter : building, room ) 进(進)入 jìnrù
go in for
( competition ) 参(參)加 cānjiā
go in
( enter ) 进(進)去 jìnqù
go for
( fetch ) 去取 qù qǔ
go down
( fall : price, level, amount ) 下降 xiàjiàng
go by
( vehicle, years, time ) 过(過)去 guòqù
go back to
( activity, work, school ) 回到 huídào
go back on
( promise, agreement ) 背弃(棄) bèiqì
go back
( return ) 返回 fǎnhuí
go away
( leave ) 离(離)开(開) líkāi
go around
( circulate : news, rumour ) 传(傳)播 chuánbō
go along with
( agree with : plan, idea, decision ) 赞(贊)同 zàntóng