either of the pair of blackened square cases containing parchments inscribed with biblical passages, bound by leather thongs to the head and left arm, and worn by Jewish men during weekday morning prayers
a reminder or aid to remembering
3. archaic
an amulet or charm
Word origin
C14: from Late Latin phylactērium, from Greek phulaktērion outpost, from phulax a guard
phylactery in American English
nounWord forms: pluralphyˈlacteries
2. Rare
something worn as a charm or safeguard
Word origin
ME filaterie < ML phylaterium < LL(Ec) phylacteria (used for Heb tefilin, pl. of tefila, prayer < root pll, to pray, entreat < Gr phylaktērion, a safeguard < phylassein, to defend, guard > phylax, a watchman