a gazelle, Procapra picticaudata, inhabiting the plains of the Tibetan plateau, having a brownish-grey coat and backward-curving horns
Word origin
C19: from Tibetan dgoba
Goa in British English
a state on the W coast of India: a Portuguese overseas territory from 1510 until annexed by India in 1961. Capital: Panjim (or Panaji). Pop: 1 343 998 (2001). Area: 3702 sq km (1430 sq miles)
Goa in American English
state of India, on the SW coast: formerly part of Portuguese India, it later formed(1962-87) with Daman & Diu a territory of India: 1,429 sq mi (3,701 sq km); pop. 1,235,000; cap. Panaji
Derived forms
Goan (ˈGoan) (ˈgoʊən)
adjective, noun
goa in American English
a small, long-haired, brownish-gray antelope (Procapra picticaudata) of Tibet