In economics, a country's GNP is the total value of all the goods produced and services provided by that country in one year. GNP is an abbreviation for 'gross national product'. Compare GDP.
We managed to increase the GNP of the country by 5 per cent.
GNP in British English
abbreviation for
gross national product
gross national product in British English
the total value of all final goods and services produced annually by a nation
Abbreviation: GNP
GNP in American English
gross national product
GNP in Finance
(dʒi ɛn pi) or gross national product
(Finance: Economics)
GNP is the total value of all the goods and services that a country produces or providesin a particular year, including income from investments in other countries.
The preliminary estimate of the second-quarter GNP showed good growth .
GNP is a measure of a nation's aggregate economic output.
GNP is the total value of all the goods and services that a country produces or providesin a particular year, including income from investments in other countries.
In other languages
British English: GNP NOUN
In economics, a country's GNP is the total value of all the goods produced and services provided by that country in one year. GNP is an abbreviation for 'gross national product'.
The government deficit equalled thirty per cent of GNP.
American English: GNP
Brazilian Portuguese: PNBabreviatura de "produto nacional bruto"
Chinese: 国民生产总值
European Spanish: PIB
French: PNB
German: BSP
Italian: PNL
Japanese: 国民総生産
Korean: 국민 총생산
European Portuguese: PNBabreviatura de "produto nacional bruto"
Latin American Spanish: PIB
Definition of 'GNP'
Chinese translation of 'GNP'
n abbr
(= Gross National Product) 国(國)民生产(產)总(總)值 (guómín shēngchǎn zǒngzhí)