GMT is the standard time in Great Britain which is used to calculate the time in the rest of the world. GMT is an abbreviation for 'Greenwich Mean Time'.
New Mexico is seven hours behind GMT.
GMT in British English
abbreviation for
Greenwich Mean Time
Greenwich Mean Time in British English
or Greenwich Time
mean solar time on the 0° meridian passing through Greenwich, England, measured from midnight: formerly a standard time in Britain and a basis for calculating times throughout most of the world, it has been replaced by an atomic timescale
Abbreviation: GMT. universal time
▶ USAGE The name Greenwich Mean Time is ambiguous, having been measured from mean midday in astronomy up to 1925, andis not used for scientific purposes. It is generally and incorrectly used in the senseof universal coordinated time, an atomic timescale available since 1972 from broadcast signals, in addition tothe earliest sense of universal time, adopted internationally in 1928 as the name for GMT measured from midnight
GMT in American English
or Gmt
Greenwich mean time
Examples of 'GMT' in a sentence
Ten of the dozen were due to be airborne by midday GMT, all twelve were scheduled to be in the air an hour later.
Mark Burnell THE RHYTHM SECTION (2002)
In other languages
GMT is the standard time in Great Britain which is used to calculate the time in the rest of the world. GMT is an abbreviation for 'Greenwich Mean Time'.
New Mexico is seven hours behind GMT.
American English: GMT
Brazilian Portuguese: sigla para "hora de Greenwich"
Chinese: 格林尼治标准时间
European Spanish: GMT
French: GMT
German: WEZ
Italian: T.M.G
Japanese: グリニッジ標準時
Korean: 그리니치 표준시
European Portuguese: sigla para "hora de Greenwich"
Latin American Spanish: GMT
Chinese translation of 'GMT'
(= Greenwich Mean Time) 格林尼治标(標)准(準)时(時)间(間) (Gélínnízhì Biāozhǔn Shíjiān)