He remembered the judge's look of distaste over his half-moon spectacles.
Kippax, Frank THE SCAR
Fortyne pushed his spectacles up the bridge of his nose with a tiny smile.
Kippax, Frank THE SCAR
Trying to straighten his spectacles, he gave Alistair a wondering stare.
Synonyms of 'spectacles'
glasses, specs, eyeglasses, eyewear
More Synonyms of spectacles
In other languages
British English: spectacles /ˈspɛktəklz/ NOUN
Spectacles are two lenses in a frame that some people wear in front of their eyes in order to help them see better.
...a pair of spectacles.
American English: spectacles
Arabic: نَظَّارَات
Brazilian Portuguese: óculos
Chinese: 眼镜
Croatian: naočale
Czech: brýle
Danish: briller
Dutch: bril
European Spanish: gafas
Finnish: silmälasit
French: lunettes
German: Brille
Greek: γυαλιά
Italian: occhiali
Japanese: 眼鏡
Korean: 안경
Norwegian: briller
Polish: okulary
European Portuguese: óculos
Romanian: ochelari
Russian: очки
Latin American Spanish: gafas
Swedish: glasögon
Thai: แว่นตา
Turkish: gözlük
Ukrainian: окуляри
Vietnamese: kính đeo mắt
All related terms of 'spectacles'
a spectacle
Glasses are sometimes referred to as spectacles .
pair of spectacles
a score of 0 in each innings of a match
gold-rimmed spectacles
spectacles with gold-coloured frames
horn-rimmed spectacles
spectacles with rims made of material resembling horn
prescription glasses
spectacles the lenses of which have been made specifically to match the wearer's defects of vision
look at something through rose-tinted spectacles
to notice only the good things about a situation, so that your opinion is unrealistic
rose-coloured spectacles rose-coloured glasses
If you look at a person or situation through rose-coloured glasses or rose-tinted glasses , you see only their good points and therefore your view of them is unrealistic . In British English, you can also say that someone is looking through rose-coloured spectacles .