the electrical property of a material that determines the resistance of a piece of given dimensions. It is equal to RA/l, where R is the resistance, A the cross-sectional area, and l the length, and is the reciprocal of conductivity. It is measured in ohms
Symbol: ρ. Former name: specific resistance
the power or capacity to resist; resistance
Examples of 'specific resistance' in a sentence
specific resistance
Tractive effort, disturbed area, tillage depth, specific resistance, and power were evaluated.
Carmen Cholaky, José M Cisneros, Roberto Balbuena 2010, 'Field Performance of a Winged Scarifier as a Function of Soil Compaction and WaterContent Desempeño a Campo de un Escarificador Alado en Función de la Compactacióny el Contenido de Agua del Suelo', Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (