Nishant Sahay, Devi P Samaddar, Abhishek Chatterjee, Anubha Sahay, Shashi Kant, AlokRanjan 2016, 'Sniff to see. Comparing sniffing position versus simple head extension position forglottic exposure - A prospective, randomized cross over study', Journal of Health Specialties;year=2016;volume=4;issue=3;spage=212;epage=218;aulast=Sahay. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Greater hiatus in glottic closure were observed at the end of the task.
Janeth Hernández J., Lenith Niño V., Diana Orjuela R., Clemencia Cuervo E. 1999, 'Fatiga laríngea: mediciones objetivas y subjetivas de la producción vocal en dos gruposde sujetos siguiendo el uso prolongado de la voz', Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Glottic view scores were intermediate to the other two devices.
Sharath Padmanabhan, Supriya Kumari Madambikattil Chandrashekharan 2018, 'A COMPARISON OF THREE SUPRAGLOTTIC AIRWAY DEVICES: THE LMA CLASSIC, THE AMBU AURA40LARYNGEAL MASK AND THE i-gel IN SPONTANEOUSLY BREATHING ANAESTHETISED PATIENTS', Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Glottic view, ease of tracheal intubation and haemodynamic responses were considered as secondary end points.
Syed Moied Ahmed, Kashmiri Doley, Manazir Athar, Nadeem Raza, Obaid Ahmad Siddiqi,Shahna Ali 2017, 'Comparison of endotracheal intubation time in neutral position between C-Mac® andAirtraq® laryngoscopes: A prospective randomised study', Indian Journal of Anaesthesia;year=2017;volume=61;issue=4;spage=338;epage=343;aulast=Ahmed. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Symptoms include dysphonia, instability, glottic insufficiency, and tense voice.
Krzysztof Szklanny, Anna Tylki-Szymańska 2018, 'Follow-up analysis of voice quality in patients with late-onset Pompe disease', Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This report describes the second case of successful treatment of inflammatory sub-glottic stenosis using hydroxychloroquine.
G. Desuter, A. Gregoire, Q. Gardiner, F. Houssiau 2012, 'Hydroxychloroquine as Treatment for Inflammatory Subglottic Stenosis: A Second SuccessfulCase', Case Reports in Otolaryngology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Chi-square test was used to analyse grades of glottic view, coughing, and post-operative sore throat.
Shruti Jain, Rashid M Khan, Syed M Ahmed, Manpreet Singh 2013, 'Comparison of classic laryngeal mask airway with Ambu laryngeal mask for trachealtube exchange: A prospective randomized controlled study', Indian Journal of Anaesthesia;year=2013;volume=57;issue=3;spage=259;epage=264;aulast=Jain. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
There was no pathology at the glottic level.
Mümtaz Taner Torun, Ender Seçkin, Ümit Tuncel, Caner Kılıç, Özalkan Özkan 2015, 'A Rare Entity: Adult Asymptomatic Giant Vallecular Cyst', Case Reports in Otolaryngology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Primary outcome was defined as the best view of the glottic structures.
Florian Jürgen Raimann, Philipp Edmund Dietze, Colleen Elizabeth Cuca, Dirk Meininger,Paul Kessler, Christian Byhahn, Daniel Gill-Schuster, Kai Zacharowski, Haitham Mutlak 2019, 'Prospective Trial to Compare Direct and Indirect Laryngoscopy Using C-MAC PM® withMacintosh Blade and D-Blade® in a Simulated Difficult Airway', Emergency Medicine International Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (