a green mineral consisting of the hydrated silicate of iron, potassium, aluminium, and magnesium: found in greensand and other similar rocks. Formula: (K,Na,Ca)0.5-1(Fe,Al,Mg)2(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2.nH2O
Derived forms
glauconitic (ˌɡlɔːkəˈnɪtɪk)
Word origin
C19: from Greek glaukon, neuter of glaukos bluish-green + -ite1; see glaucous
glauconite in American English
a greenish silicate of iron and potassium, a kind of mica found in greensand
Word origin
Ger glaukonit < Gr glaukon, neut. of glaukos: see glauco-