The pHof a solution indicates how acid or alkaline the solution is. A pH of less than 7 indicates that it is anacid, and a pH of more than 7 indicates that it is an alkali.
...the pH of sea water. [+ of]
Skin is naturally slightly acidic and has a pH of 5.5. [+ of]
The fluid that emerges from the vents is acidic (pH 3) and hot.
ph in British English
the internet domain name for
pH in British English
potential of hydrogen; a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution equal to the common logarithm of the reciprocal of the concentration of hydrogen ions in moles per cubic decimetre of solution. Pure water has a pH of 7, acid solutions have a pH less than 7, and alkaline solutions a pH greater than 7
Ph in British English
the chemical symbol for
phenyl group or radical
ph. in British English
abbreviation for
phase in British English
any distinct or characteristic period or stage in a sequence of events or chain of development
there were two phases to the resolution
his immaturity was a passing phase
2. astronomy
one of the recurring shapes of the portion of the moon or an inferior planet illuminated by the sun
the new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter are the four principal phasesof the moon
3. physics
the fraction of a cycle of a periodic quantity that has been completed at a specific reference time, expressed as an angle
(as modifier)
a phase shift
4. physics
a particular stage in a periodic process or phenomenon
5. in phase
6. out of phase
7. chemistry
a distinct state of matter characterized by homogeneous composition and properties and the possession of a clearly defined boundary
8. zoology
a variation in the normal form of an animal, esp a colour variation, brought about by seasonal or geographical change
9. biology(usually in combination)
a stage in mitosis or meiosis
10. electrical engineering
one of the circuits in a system in which there are two or more alternating voltages displaced by equal amounts in phase (sense 5)
See also polyphase (sense 1)
(in systemic grammar) the type of correspondence that exists between the predicators in a clause that has two or more predicators; for example connection by to, as in I managed to do it, or -ing, as in we heard him singing
12. (often passive)
to execute, arrange, or introduce gradually or in stages
a phased withdrawal
13. (sometimes foll by with)
to cause (a part, process, etc) to function or coincide with (another part, process, etc)
he tried to phase the intake and output of the machine
he phased the intake with the output
14. mainly US
to arrange (processes, goods, etc) to be supplied or executed when required
PH in American English
Purple Heart
Ph in American English
pH in American English
the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution; it is the logarithm of the reciprocal ofthe hydrogen-ion concentration in gram equivalents per liter of solution (Ex: .0000001 gram atom of hydrogen ion per liter yields a numeric reciprocal of ten million, the log of ten million equals 7, therefore 7 is the pH): a pH of 7, the value for pure distilledwater, is regarded as neutral; pH values from 7 to 0 indicate increasing acidity and from 7 to 14 indicate increasing alkalinity
Word origin
< Fr p(ouvoir) h(ydrogène), lit., hydrogen power
ph in American English
3. Baseball
pinch hitter
pH in Chemical Engineering
(Chemical Engineering: General)
pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity. If the value is more than 7, this indicatesalkalinity, and less than 7 indicates acidity.
Acidity or alkalinity is measured by pH.
A pH of 7 represents neutrality.
pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity. If the value is more than 7, this indicatesalkalinity, and less than 7 indicates acidity.
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: pH NOUN
The pH of a solution shows how acid or alkaline the solution is.