Thermal conductivity also improved up to 60% in the doped bentonitic grouts.
Marco Viccaro 2018, 'Doped bentonitic grouts for implementing performances of low-enthalpy geothermal systems',Geothermal Energy Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The bentonitic clays show good adsorptive characteristics, being used as alternative material for removing metals.
A. F. de Almeida Neto, M. G. A. Vieira, M. G. C. da Silva 2014, 'Insight of the removal of nickel and copper ions in fixed bed through acid activationand treatment with sodium of clay', Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Furthermore, an aquiclude composed of green bentonitic clays was identified just below the confined layer.
Marcelo dos Santos Targa, Getulio Teixeira Batista, Márcia Helena Galina, Hélio NobileDiniz 2010, 'Hydrogeological characteristics of the Paraíba do Sul river flood plains: a case studyof a mining area in the Tremembé municipality, SP, Brazil', Revista Ambiente & Água Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (