Spanish means belonging or relating to Spain, or to its people, language, or culture.
...a Spanish sherry.
...the Spanish Ambassador.
2. plural noun
The Spanish are the people of Spain.
3. uncountable noun
Spanish is the main language spoken in Spain, and in many countries in South and Central America.
Spanish in British English
the official language of Spain, Mexico, and most countries of South and Central America except Brazil: also spoken in Africa, the Far East, and elsewhere. It is the native language of approximately 405 million people throughout the world. Spanish is an Indo-European language belonging to the Romance group
2. the Spanish
of or relating to the Spanish language or its speakers
of or relating to Spain or Spaniards
Spanish in American English
of Spain or its people, language, or culture
the Romance language spoken in Spain and Spanish America
see also Castilian
the Spanish
In other languages
British English: Spanish /ˈspænɪʃ/ ADJECTIVE
Spanish means belonging or relating to Spain, or to its people, language, or culture.
...the Spanish embassy.
American English: Spanish
Arabic: إسْبَانِيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: espanhol
Chinese: 西班牙的
Croatian: španjolski
Czech: španělský
Danish: spansk
Dutch: Spaans
European Spanish: español
Finnish: espanjalainen adjektiivi
French: espagnol
German: spanisch
Greek: ισπανικός
Italian: spagnolo
Japanese: スペインの
Korean: 스페인의
Norwegian: spansk
Polish: hiszpański
European Portuguese: espanhol
Romanian: spaniol
Russian: испанский
Latin American Spanish: español
Swedish: spansk
Thai: เกี่ยวกับสเปน
Turkish: İspanyolca
Ukrainian: іспанський
Vietnamese: thuộc nước/người/tiếng Tây Ban Nha
British English: Spanish /ˈspænɪʃ/ NOUN
Spanish is the main language spoken in Spain, and in many countries in South and Central America.
American English: Spanish
Arabic: إسْبَانِيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: espanhol
Chinese: 西班牙人
Croatian: španjolski
Czech: španělština
Danish: spanier
Dutch: Spaans taal
European Spanish: español
Finnish: espanjalainen henkilö
French: espagnol
German: Spanisch
Greek: Ισπανικά
Italian: spagnolo
Japanese: スペイン人
Korean: 스페인 사람
Norwegian: spanjol
Polish: język hiszpański
European Portuguese: espanhol
Romanian: spaniolă
Russian: испанский язык
Latin American Spanish: español
Swedish: spanska
Thai: ภาษาสเปน
Turkish: İspanyol
Ukrainian: іспанська мова
Vietnamese: tiếng Tây Ban Nha
All related terms of 'Spanish'
Old Spanish
the Spanish language from c. 1145 to the 16th cent .
Spanish fir
a species of fir native to S Spain and N Morocco , Abies pinsapo
Spanish fly
a European blister beetle , Lytta vesicatoria (family Meloidae ), the dried bodies of which yield the pharmaceutical product cantharides
the Spanish
Spaniards collectively
Spanish cedar
a tall meliaceous tree, Cedrela odorata, of tropical America, the East Indies , and Australia , having smooth bark , pinnate leaves, yellow flowers, and light-coloured aromatic wood
Spanish Main
the mainland of Spanish America , esp the N coast of South America from the Isthmus of Panama to the mouth of the Orinoco River, Venezuela
Spanish moss
an epiphytic bromeliaceous plant, Tillandsia usneoides, growing in tropical and subtropical regions as long bluish-grey strands suspended from the branches of trees
Spanish onion
any of several varieties of large mild-flavoured onions
Spanish rice
rice cooked with tomatoes , onions , green peppers , etc, and often flavoured with saffron
Spanish topaz
an orange-brown form of quartz , used as a gemstone
a language of Sephardic Jews , based on Spanish with some Hebrew elements and usually written in Hebrew characters
Spanish America
the parts of America colonized by Spaniards from the 16th century onwards and now chiefly Spanish-speaking: includes all of South America (except Brazil , Guyana , French Guiana , and Suriname), Central America (except Belize ), Mexico , Cuba , Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic , and a number of small Caribbean islands
Spanish Armada
the great fleet sent by Philip II of Spain against England in 1588: defeated in the Channel by the English fleets and almost completely destroyed by storms off the Hebrides
Spanish bayonet
any of several American liliaceous plants of the genus Yucca , esp Y . aloifolia, that have a tall woody stem , stiff pointed leaves, and large clusters of white flowers: cultivated for ornament
Spanish customs
irregular practices among a group of workers to gain increased financial allowances , reduced working hours , etc
Spanish Guinea
→ Equatorial Guinea
Spanish guitar
the classic form of the guitar ; a six-stringed instrument with a waisted body and a central sound hole
Spanish Morocco
a former Spanish colony on the N coast of Morocco : part of the kingdom of Morocco since 1956
Spanish needles
a bur marigold ( Bidens bipinnata ) of the E U.S.
Spanish omelet
an omelet folded around a sauce of chopped onion , green pepper , and tomato
Spanish paprika
a mild seasoning made from a variety of red pepper grown in Spain
Spanish Sahara
→ Western Sahara
of or relating to any of the Spanish-speaking countries or peoples of the Americas
Spanish bluebell
a European liliaceous woodland plant, Hyacinthoides (or Endymion ) non-scripta , having a one-sided cluster of blue bell-shaped flowers
Spanish chestnut
Castanea sativa
Spanish mackerel
any scombroid food fish of the genus Scomberomorus, esp S. maculatus, of American coastal regions of the Atlantic : family Scombridae ( mackerels , tunnies , etc)
Spanish Moroccan
of or relating to the former Spanish colony of Spanish Morocco ( now part of Morocco) or its inhabitants
Spanish omelette
an omelette made by adding green peppers , onions , tomato , etc, to the eggs
Spanish Succession
War of the a war (1701-14) between European powers disputing the succession to the Spanish throne
Spanish windlass
a stick used as a device for twisting and tightening a rope or cable
Spanish Civil War
the civil war in Spain from 1936 to 1939 in which insurgent nationalists, led by General Franco , succeeded in overthrowing the republican government. During the war Spain became an ideological battleground for fascists and socialists from all countries
Spanish Inquisition
the institution that guarded the orthodoxy of Catholicism in Spain, chiefly by the persecution of Jews and Muslims, esp from the 15th to 17th centuries
old Spanish customs
irregular practices among a group of workers to gain increased financial allowances , reduced working hours , etc
old Spanish practices
irregular practices among a group of workers to gain increased financial allowances , reduced working hours , etc
Spanish-American War
the war between the US and Spain (1898) resulting in Spain's withdrawal from Cuba and its cession of Guam , the Philippines , and Puerto Rico
Spanish West Africa
a former overseas territory of Spain in NW Africa: divided in 1958 into the overseas provinces of Ifni and Spanish Sahara
Spanish West African
of or relating to the former Spanish overseas territory of Spanish West Africa ( now the overseas provinces of Ifni and Spanish Sahara ) or its inhabitants
War of the Spanish Succession
the war (1701–14) between Austria , Britain , Prussia , and the Netherlands on the one side and France , Spain , and Bavaria on the other over the disputed succession to the Spanish throne
a diuretic and urogenital stimulant or irritant prepared from the dried bodies of Spanish fly (family Meloidae, not Cantharidae ), once thought to be an aphrodisiac
Bluebells are plants that have blue bell-shaped flowers on thin upright stems. Bluebells flower in the spring .
Non- is used in front of adjectives and nouns to form adjectives that describe something as not having a particular quality or feature .