A personal pronoun is a pronoun such as 'I', 'you', 'she', or 'they' which is used to refer to the speaker or the person spoken to, or to a person or thing whose identity is clear, usually because they have already been mentioned.
English Easy Learning GrammarPersonal pronounsPersonal pronouns are used as the subject, object, or complement in a clause. Theyare commonly found taking the place of a noun phrase when it is mentioned ... Read more
English Easy Learning GrammarPronounsA pronoun is a word that is used in the place of a noun or a whole noun phrase. Pronouns are commonly used: in place of a noun or a noun phrase that has ... Read more
personal pronoun in British English
a pronoun having a definite person or thing as an antecedent and functioning grammatically in the same way as the noun that it replaces. In English, the personal pronouns include I, you, he, she, it, we, and they, and are inflected for case
personal pronoun in American English
any of a group of pronouns referring to the speaker(s), the person(s) spoken to,or any other person(s) or thing(s)
see also I2, thou1 pronoun, he1, she, it1, we, they
Examples of 'personal pronoun' in a sentence
personal pronoun
Some languages have a generic personal pronoun.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Five personal pronouns take different cases according to whether they are the subject or the object of the verb.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
He was speaking idiomatic English, in which the generic singular pronoun is the same word as the masculine singular personal pronoun.