any agile catlike viverrine mammal of the genus Genetta, inhabiting wooded regions of Africa and S Europe, having an elongated head, thick spotted or blotched fur, and a very long tail
the fur of such an animal
Word origin
C15: from Old French genette, from Arabic jarnayt
genet in British English2
an obsolete spelling of jennet
Genet in British English
(French ʒənɛ)
Jean (ʒɑ̃). 1910–86, French dramatist and novelist; his novels include Notre-Dame des Fleurs (1944) and his plays Les Bonnes (1947) and Le Balcon (1956)
Genet in American English
Jean1910-86; Fr. playwright & novelist
Genêt in American English
Edmond Charles Édouard (ˈɛd mɔ̃̃ˈʃaʀl eɪ dwaʀ) 1763-1834; Fr. diplomat, in the U.S. after 1793
called Citizen Genêt
genet in American English
(ˈdʒɛnɪt; dʒəˈnɛt)
any of a genus (Genetta) of small, spotted African carnivores in the same family (Viverridae) as the civet