Guests were treated to the cool sounds of jazz performers.
Examples of 'sounds' in a sentence
He sounds like a complicated man who's sensitive to trouble.
Robert Wilson A DARKENING STAIN (2002)
A faint smear of reflected light was visible in the darkness, and distant sounds of shouting reached them on the still night air.
Stuart Harrison LOST SUMMER (2002)
The Shark recited his speech again over the sounds of mastication.
All related terms of 'sounds'
A sound is something that you hear.
to sound or cause to sound again
sound off
If someone sounds off , they express their opinions strongly and rather rudely without being asked .
sound out
If you sound someone out , you question them in order to find out what their opinion is about something.
speech sound
an individual sound unit of speech
stereo sound
reproduction of sound using two or more separate microphones to feed two or more loudspeakers through separate channels in order to give a spatial effect to the sound
vowel sound
a speech sound that is made with no obstruction of the vocal tract
optical sound
sound recorded in the form of a photographic image on cinematograph films
surround sound
a system of sound recording and reproduction that uses three or more independent recording channels and loudspeakers in order to give the impression that the listener is surrounded by the sound sources