A gazebo is a small building with open sides. Gazebos are often put up in gardens so thatpeople can sit in them to enjoy the view.
Synonyms: pavilion, summer house More Synonyms of gazebo
gazebo in British English
nounWord forms: plural-bos or -boes
a summerhouse, garden pavilion, or belvedere, sited to command a view
Word origin
C18: perhaps a pseudo-Latin coinage based on gaze
gazebo in American English
(gəˈziboʊ; gəˈzeɪboʊ)
nounWord forms: pluralgaˈzebos or gaˈzeboes
a turret, windowed balcony, or summerhouse from which one can gaze at the surrounding scenery; specif., a small, open building with a roof, typically located in a garden park
2. var. of; Slang, Obsolete
Word origin
jocular formation < gaze, after L videbo, I shall see