A percentile is one of the equal divisions of an amount, expressed on a scale from 0 to 100. The 90th percentile of an amount is all amounts between zero percent and ninety percent.
She says blacks who identify with the Democratic Party have fallen from the 90thpercentile down to around 70 percent.
percentile in British English
one of 99 actual or notional values of a variable dividing its distribution into 100 groups with equal frequencies; the 90th percentile is the value of a variable such that 90% of the relevant population is below that value
Also called: centile
percentile in American English
(pərˈsɛnˌtaɪl; pərˈsɛntəl)
noun Statistics
any of the values in a series dividing the distribution of the individuals in the series into one hundred groups of equal frequency