

单词 trained

Examples of '-trained' in a sentence

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I did not lie directly; Chade had trained me too well for that.Many of them had flashlights and had them trained on the target of their ire.According to Mogget, my father trained with his aunt for nearly a decade.

In other languages

British English: trained /treɪnd/ ADJECTIVE
A person who is trained in a particular kind of work has learned the skills that you need in order to do it.
She is a trained nurse.
  • American English: trained
  • Arabic: مُتَدَرِّب
  • Brazilian Portuguese: treinado
  • Chinese: 训练有素的
  • Croatian: obučen
  • Czech: vyučený
  • Danish: uddannet
  • Dutch: getraind
  • European Spanish: cualificado
  • Finnish: valmennettu
  • French: formé
  • German: ausgebildet
  • Greek: καταρτισμένος
  • Italian: addestrato
  • Japanese: 訓練された
  • Korean: 훈련 받은
  • Norwegian: faglært
  • Polish: wyszkolony
  • European Portuguese: treinado
  • Romanian: calificat
  • Russian: тренированный
  • Latin American Spanish: capacitado
  • Swedish: utbildad
  • Thai: ที่ได้รับการอบรม
  • Turkish: eğitilmiş
  • Ukrainian: натренований
  • Vietnamese: đã được huấn luyện

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Definition of '-trained'

Chinese translation of 'trained'




  1. [worker, teacher] 经(經)专(專)门(門)训(訓)练(練)的 (jīng zhuānmén xùnliàn de)
  2. [animal] 驯(馴)化的 (xùnhuà de)
    to the trained eye 经(經)专(專)业眼光鉴(鑑)定 (jīng zhuānyè yǎnguāng jiàndìng)



n (c)

  1. (Rail) 火车(車) (huǒchē) (辆(輛), liàng)
  2. [of dress] 裙裾 (qúnjū)


  1. (= teach skills to) 培训(訓) (péixùn)
  2. [dog] 训(訓)练(練) (xùnliàn)
  3. [athlete] 培养(養) (péiyǎng)
  4. (= educate) [mind] 开(開)发(發) (kāifā)
  5. [plant] 给(給) ... 整枝 (gěi ... zhěngzhī)
    to train sth on sb/sth [camera, hose, gun etc] 把某物对(對)准(準)某人/某物 (bǎ mǒuwù duìzhǔn mǒurén/mǒuwù)


  1. (= learn a skill) 受训(訓)练(練) (shòu xùnliàn)
  2. (Sport) 锻(鍛)炼(鍊) (duànliàn)
    train of thought 思路 (sīlù)
    a train of events 一系列的事件 (yīxìliè de shìjiàn)




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