Indira (Priyadarshini) (ɪnˈdɪərə, ˈɪndərə), daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru. 1917–84, Indian stateswoman; prime minister of India (1966–77; 1980–84); assassinated
Mohandas Karamchand (ˌməʊhənˈdʌs ˌkʌrəmˈtʃʌnd), known as Mahatma Gandhi. 1869–1948, Indian political and spiritual leader and social reformer. He played a major part in India's struggle for home rule and was frequently imprisoned by the British for organizing acts of civil disobedience. He advocated passive resistance and hunger strikes as means of achieving reform, campaigned for the Dalit, and attempted to unite Muslims and Hindus. He was assassinated by a Hindu extremist
Rajiv (ræˈdʒiːv), son of Indira Gandhi. 1944–91, Indian statesman; prime minister of India (1984–89); assassinated
Gandhi in American English
(ˈgɑndi; ˈgænˈdi)
Mrs. Inˈdira (Nehru) (ɪnˈdɪrə) 1917-84; Indian statesman: prime minister of India (1966-77; 1980-84): assassinated:daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru
Moˈhandas K(aramchand) (moʊˈhɑndəs) 1869-1948; Hindu nationalist leader & social reformer: assassinated