as it is, I shall have difficulty finishing all this work, without any more
See full dictionary entry for as
as is in American English
just as it is; without any changes
said of damaged goods being sold
See full dictionary entry for as
Examples of 'as is' in a sentence
as is
Every light I hit was red as is always the way when you don't want it to be.
Stuart Harrison BETTER THAN THIS (2002)
The guitar wire is digging into her flesh; as is the gravel of the roof terrace.
And both New York and Buffalo are notorious Mafia towns, as is Montreal itself.
Wood, Ted FOOLS GOLD (2002)
All related terms of 'as is'
as is one's wont
If someone does a particular thing as is their wont , they do that thing often or regularly.
as is the way
You can use as is the way to say that a particular situation or example of behaviour is typical and you would not expect it to be different.
it is as well to
You say it is as well to think or do something when you are advising someone to think in a particular way or to take a particular action.
sure as eggs is eggs
said to mean that you are very certain something will happen
as broad as it is long
amounting to the same thing; without advantage either way
enough is as good as a feast
said to mean that there is no point in having more of something than you need or want
handsome is as handsome does
said to mean that you should judge someone by their actions and not by their appearance
honest as the day is long
very honest
a miss is as good as a mile
missing by a narrow margin has the same practical effect as missing by a wide one
such as it is/such as they are
You use such as it is or such as they are to suggest that the thing you have just mentioned is not very good, important, or useful .
such as it is (or was, etc.)
being the kind it is (or was, etc.)
as it is/as it turns out/as things stand
You use expressions such as as it is , as it turns out , and as things stand when you are making a contrast between a possible situation and what actually happened or is the case .
as far as sth is concerned/where sth is concerned
You can say as far as something is concerned to indicate the subject that you are talking about.