of or pertaining to the Milky Way or some other galaxy
Word origin
Gr galaktikos, milky < gala (gen. galaktos), milk < IE base *glak- > L lac, milk
Examples of 'galactic' in a sentence
The change wreaked by the galactic showdown will take two billion years to unfold.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
All related terms of 'galactic'
galactic halo
a spheroidal aggregation of globular clusters, individual stars, dust , and gas that surrounds the Galaxy
galactic noise
radio waves emanating from sources outside the solar system but within the Milky Way galaxy
galactic plane
the plane passing through the spiral arms of the Galaxy
galactic poles
the two points on the celestial sphere , diametrically opposite each other, that can be joined by an imaginary line perpendicular to the galactic plane
galactic equator
the great circle on the celestial sphere containing the galactic plane
active galactic nucleus
a galaxy that emits usually large amounts of energy from a very compact central source, such as Seyfert galaxies, radio galaxies, and quasars
open cluster
a comparatively young, irregularly shaped group of stars, often numbering up to several hundred , and held together by mutual gravitation ; usually found along the central plane of the Milky Way and other galaxies
active galaxy
a galaxy that emits usually large amounts of energy from a very compact central source, such as Seyfert galaxies, radio galaxies, and quasars