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phrasal verbIf a sensation or feeling wears off, it disappears slowly until it no longer exists or has any effect. For many the philosophy was merely a fashion, and the novelty soon wore off. [VERB PARTICLE] Now that the initial shock was wearing off, he was in considerable pain. [VERB PARTICLE] More Synonyms of wear off See full dictionary entry for wearwear off in British Englishverb (adverb)1. (intransitive) to decrease in intensity gradually the pain will wear off in an hour 2. to disappear or cause to disappear gradually through exposure, use, etc the pattern on the ring had been worn off wear off in American English to pass awayor diminish by degrees See full dictionary entry for wear Examples of 'wear off' in a sentencewear off It might wear off, of course, but until it does, it's silly to leave all my gear lying around for some passing rambler to nick.Nevertheless, I was conscious that the novelty of these journeys was beginning to wear off.The drug began to wear off; Hay-soos's voice was louder, yelling, cursing.They were both well aware that when Cynsters married, the novelty did not, strange as it seemed, wear off at all. Chinese translation of 'wear off' vi -
逐渐(漸)消失 (zhújiàn xiāoshī)
See wear - wear
- wear away
- wear down
- wear off
- wear on
- wear out
- weary
- wear out
- wear on
- wear down
- wear away
Definition to have a gradual decrease in effect or intensity Her initial excitement soon began to wear off. The paint is discoloured and little bits have worn off. See wearAdditional synonymsDefinition to make or become less strong The storms soon abated. Synonyms decrease, decline, relax, ease, sink, fade, weaken, diminish, dwindle, lessen, slow, wane, subside, ebb, let up, slacken, attenuate, taper offThe rough rock had abraded her skin. Synonyms scrape, grind, skin, file, scratch, erode, graze, erase, scour, wear off, rub off, wear down, scuff, wear away, scrape away, scrape out Definition to make or become less in size, strength, or quantity Population growth is decreasing each year. Synonyms drop, decline, lessen, contract, lower, ease, shrink, diminish, fall off, dwindle, wane, subside, abate, peter out, slacken- weapon
- wear
- wear down
- wear off
- wear on
- wear out
- wear someone down
Additional synonymsDefinition to make or become smaller, fewer, or less The threat of war has diminished. Synonyms decrease, decline, lessen, contract, weaken, shrink, dwindle, wane, recede, subside, ebb, taper, die out, fade away, abate, peter outThe problem should disappear altogether by the age of five. Synonyms pass, go away, wane, ebb, fade away Definition to cease to exist The immediate threat has disappeared. Synonyms cease, end, fade, vanish, dissolve, expire, evaporate, perish, die out, pass away, cease to exist, melt away, leave no trace, cease to be known Definition to grow less in size, strength, or number The factory's workforce has dwindled. Synonyms lessen, fall, decline, contract, sink, fade, weaken, shrink, diminish, decrease, decay, wither, wane, subside, ebb, die down, die out, abate, shrivel, peter out, die away, waste away, taper off, grow less Definition to fall away or decline There were occasions when my enthusiasm ebbed. Synonyms decline, drop, sink, flag, weaken, shrink, diminish, decrease, deteriorate, decay, dwindle, lessen, subside, degenerate, fall away, fade away, abate, peter out, slackenDefinition to lose brightness, colour, or strength After that all her worries faded away. Synonyms dwindle, disappear, vanish, melt away, fall, fail, decline, flag, dissolve, dim, disperse, wither, wilt, wane, perish, ebb, languish, die out, droop, shrivel, die away, waste away, vanish into thin air, become unimportant, evanesce (formal), etiolate Definition to come gradually to an end The strike seemed to be petering out. Synonyms die out, stop, fail, run out, fade, dwindle, evaporate, wane, give out, ebb, come to nothing, run dry, taper offDefinition to decrease gradually in size, strength, or power His interest in art to wane. Synonyms decline, flag, weaken, diminish, fall, fail, drop, sink, fade, decrease, dim, dwindle, wither, lessen, subside, ebb, wind down, die out, fade away, abate, draw to a close, atrophy, taper offDefinition to become or make weak or weaker The storm was finally beginning to weaken.Family structures are weakening and breaking up. Synonyms wane, fail, diminish, dwindle, lower, flag, fade, give way, lessen, abate, droop, ease up |