the top layer of a road that carries the traffic; road surface
Also called: carpet, topping
Examples of 'wearing course' in a sentence
wearing course
At normal service temperatures, wearing course asphalt mixtures may have ductile cracking.
Dr. Iman Haryanto, O. Takahashi 2007, 'Crack Initiation Assessment of Wearing Course Asphalt Mixtures Using Aggregate GradationCharacteristic', ITB Journal of Engineering Science Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The aggregate applied for the wearing course has a significant influence on skid resistance of road surfaces.
Gardziejczyk W., Wasilewska M. 2012, 'Assessment of Skid Resistance of Asphalt Mixtures in Laboratory Conditions', Archives of Civil Engineering Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The present study discusses a relationship between the characteristic of aggregate gradation and crack resistance of wearing course mixtures.
Dr. Iman Haryanto, O. Takahashi 2007, 'Crack Initiation Assessment of Wearing Course Asphalt Mixtures Using Aggregate GradationCharacteristic', ITB Journal of Engineering Science Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (