Solid-state electronic equipment is made using transistors or silicon chips, instead of valves or other mechanical parts.
solid-state in British English
1. (modifier)
(of an electronic device) activated by a semiconductor component in which current flow is through solid material rather than in a vacuum
2. (modifier)
of, concerned with, characteristic of, or consisting of solid matter
solid-state in American English
designating or of the branch of physics dealing with the fundamental properties of solids, as structure, binding forces, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties etc., and with their effects
designating, of, or equipped with electronic devices, as semiconductors, that can control current without heated filaments, moving parts, etc.
solid-state in Electrical Engineering
(sɒlɪd steɪt)
(Electrical engineering: Semiconductor and electronic circuitry)
A solid-state device or circuit is one that relies on semiconductors rather than mechanical or vacuum tube circuits.
The relay is a single-pole, normally open, solid-state replacement for electromechanical relays used for general purpose switching of analogsignals.
A solid-state thermoelectric generator device can directly drive a high voltage grid at voltagewithout a special step-up transformer.
A solid-state device or circuit is one that relies on semiconductors rather than mechanical orvacuum tube circuits.
Examples of 'solid-state' in a sentence
Perhaps she'd find herself inhabiting the solid-state desert of an old mainframe, thinking one thought at a time.