1. Also called: first cousin, cousin-german, full cousin
the child of one's aunt or uncle
a relative who has descended from one of one's common ancestors. A person's second cousin is the child of one of his or her parents' first cousins. A person's third cousin is the child of one of his or her parents' second cousins. A first cousin once removed (or loosely second cousin) is the child of one's first cousin
a member of a group related by race, ancestry, interests, etc
our Australian cousins
a title used by a sovereign when addressing another sovereign or a nobleman
Derived forms
cousinhood (ˈcousinˌhood) or cousinship (ˈcousinˌship)
cousinly (ˈcousinly)
adjective, adverb
Word origin
C13: from Old French cosin, from Latin consōbrīnus cousin, from sōbrīnus cousin on the mother's side; related to soror sister