a property of a gas, related to its partial pressure, that expresses its tendency to escape or expand, given by d(logef) = dμ/RT, where μ is the chemical potential, R the gas constant, and T the thermodynamic temperature
Symbol: f
the state or quality of being fugacious
fugacity in Chemical Engineering
(Chemical Engineering: General)
Fugacity is a measure of the ability of a component to react in a solution of gases.
At equilibrium the fugacity of a component in the vapor phase is equal to that of the component in the liquid.
The long-term stability of the catalyst depends on the fugacity of the oxygen in the gas phase.
Fugacity is a measure of the ability of a component to react in a solution of gases.
MeasuresOther measures used in chemical engineering include the following:densityefficiencyemittancehumidityturbidity