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English translation of '多'


  1. (= 数量大) a lot of
    ⇒ 很多书 (hěn duō shū) a lot of books
  2. (= 相差大) more
    ⇒ 我比你大多了。 (Wǒ bǐ nǐ dà duō le.) I'm much older than you are.
    ⇒ 中国领土面积比日本大多了。 (Zhōngguó lǐngtǔ miànjī bǐ Rìběn dà duō le.) China has a much bigger land mass than Japan.
  3. (= 超出) too many
    ⇒ 你多给了我2英镑。 (Nǐ duō gěile wǒ liǎng yīngbàng.) You gave me two pounds too much.
    ⇒ 她喝多了。 (Tā hē duō le.) She drank too much.
  4. (= 过分) excessive
    ⇒ 多疑 (duōyí) over-suspicious

  1. ⇒ 300多艘军舰 (sānbǎi duō sōu jūnjiàn) over three hundred warships
    ⇒ 两年多前 (liǎng nián duō qián) over two years ago

  1. be more than
    ⇒ 这个游戏多了两个人。 (Zhège yóuxì duōle liǎng gè rén.) We have two people too many for the game.
    ⇒ 多个人就多份力量。 (Duō gè rén jiù duō fèn lìliàng.) The more people we have, the stronger we will be.

  1. (用在疑问句中) how
    ⇒ 从北京到上海有多远? (Cóng Běijīng dào Shànghǎi yǒu duō yuǎn?) How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?
    ⇒ 你儿子多大了? (Nǐ érzi duō dà le?) How old is your son?
  2. (表示感叹) how
    ⇒ 多美的城市! (Duō měi de chéngshì!) How beautiful this town is!
    ⇒ 这女孩儿多聪明啊! (Zhè nǚháir duō cōngmíng a!) This girl is so clever!
  3. (表示任何一种程度) however
    ⇒ 无论多晚,她都会等他回家。 (Wúlùn duō wǎn, tā dōu huì děng tā huíjiā.) However late it got, she would wait up for him to return home.
    ⇒ 给我一把尺,多长都行。 (Gěi wǒ yī bǎ chǐ, duō cháng dōu xíng.) Give me a ruler - any length will do.

Nearby words of

Related terms of

  • 众多
  • 多么
  • 多亏
  • 多余
  • 多半




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