Sir Peter. 1910–86, British tenor, associated esp with the works of Benjamin Britten
All related terms of 'Pears'
A pear is a sweet, juicy fruit which is narrow near its stalk , and wider and rounded at the bottom . Pears have white flesh and thin green or yellow skin .
apples and pears
wild pear
a wild variety of pear , esp Pyrus pyraster or Pyrus caucasica
Asian pear
a tropical pear tree, esp any of several varieties of Japanese pear Pyrus serotina
a tropical pear tree, esp any of several varieties of Japanese pear Pyrus serotina
anchovy pear
a Jamaican tree, Grias cauliflora, bearing edible fruits that taste like the mango : family Lecythidaceae
balsam pear
an Old World tropical vine , Momordica charantia , of the gourd family, having yellow flowers and orange-yellow fruit
prickly pear
A prickly pear is a kind of cactus that has round fruit with prickles on. The fruit, which you can eat , is also called a prickly pear .
alligator pear
→ avocado
the Williams pear , used esp in the US and generally of tinned pears
Conference pear
a variety of pear that has sweet and juicy fruit
Williams pear
a variety of pear that has large yellow juicy sweet fruit