Saint. Also called: Paul the Apostle, Saul of Tarsus. original name Saul. died ?67 ad, one of the first Christian missionaries to the Gentiles, who died a martyr in Rome. Until his revelatory conversion he had assisted in persecuting the Christians. He wrote many of the Epistles in the New Testament. Feast day: June 29
▶ Related adjective: Pauline
2. Jean. See Jean Paul
Les, real name Lester Polfuss. 1915–2009, US guitarist: creator of the solid-body electric guitar and pioneer in multitrack recording
Paul in American English1
a masculine name: equiv. L. Paulus, It. Paolo, Paulo, Sp. Pablo: fem. Paula, Pauline
Word origin
L Paulus (or Gr Paulos), Rom. surname, prob. < paulus, small: akin to paucus, few
Paul in American English2
(original name Saul) (died a.d. 67?); a Jew of Tarsus who became the Apostle of Christianity to the Gentiles: author of several Letters in the New Testament: his day is June 29
: also Saint Paul
Paul I1754-1801: czar of Russia (1796-1801): son of Catherine II & Peter III
Paul III(born Alessandro Farnese) 1468-1549; pope (1534-49)
Paul VI(born Giovanni Battista Montini) 1897-1978; pope (1963-78)
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rob Peter to pay Paul
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All related terms of 'Paul'
Paul I
1754–1801, tsar of Russia (1796–1801); son of Catherine II; assassinated
Paul VI
original name Giovanni Battista Montini. 1897–1978, Italian ecclesiastic ; pope (1963–1978)
Jean Paul
real name Johann Paul Friedrich Richter . 1763–1825, German novelist
John Paul
John Paul I (born Albino Luciani ) 1912-78; pope (1978)
Paul III
original name Alessandro Farnese . 1468–1549, Italian ecclesiastic ; pope (1534–49). He excommunicated Henry VIII of England (1538) and inaugurated the Counter-Reformation by approving the establishment of the Jesuits (1540), instituting the Inquisition in Italy, and convening the Council of Trent (1545)
Paul Pry
a nosy person
St. Paul
capital of Minn., on the Mississippi : pop. 287,000
Paul Bunyan
a giant lumberjack who, with the help of his blue ox , Babe , performs various superhuman feats
Paul Jones
an old-time dance in which partners are exchanged
Saint Paul
a port in SE Minnesota , capital of the state, at the head of navigation of the Mississippi : now contiguous with Minneapolis (the Twin Cities). Pop: 280 404 (2003 est)
John Paul I
original name Albino Luciani. 1912–78, pope (1978) whose brief 33-day reign was characterized by a simpler papal style and anticipated an emphasis on pastoral rather than administrative priorities
John Paul II
Saint . original name Karol Wojtyla. 1920–2005, pope (1978–2005), born in Poland : the first non-Italian to be elected since 1522; canonized in 2014. Feast day: Oct 22
Saint Paul's
a cathedral in central London , built between 1675 and 1710 to replace an earlier cathedral destroyed during the Great Fire (1666): regarded as Wren's masterpiece
Vincent de Paul
Saint . ?1581–1660, French Roman Catholic priest , who founded two charitable orders, the Lazarists (1625) and the Sisters of Charity (1634). Feast day: Sept 27
rob Peter to pay Paul
If you say that someone is robbing Peter to pay Paul , you mean that they are transferring money from one group of people or place to another, rather than providing extra money.
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Titus
Saint . a Greek disciple and helper of Saint Paul . Feast day: Jan 26 or Aug 25
Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Timothy
Saint . a disciple of Paul , who became leader of the Christian community at Ephesus . Feast day: Jan 26 or 22
First and Second Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians
→ the First and Second Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians
the First and Second Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians