Sodium is a silvery-white chemical element which combines with other chemicals. Salt is a sodium compound.
The fish or seafood is heavily salted with pure sodium chloride. level teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate powder.
2. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Sodium lighting gives out a strong orange light.
...the orange glow of the sodium streetlamps.
sodium in British English
a very reactive soft silvery-white element of the alkali metal group occurring principally in common salt, Chile saltpetre, and cryolite. Sodium and potassium ions maintain the essential electrolytic balance in living cells. It is used in the production of chemicals, in metallurgy, and, alloyed with potassium, as a cooling medium in nuclear reactors. Symbol: Na; atomic no: 11; atomic wt: 22.989768; valency: 1; relative density: 0.971; melting pt: 97.81±0.03°C; boiling pt: 892.9°C
(as modifier)
sodium light
Word origin
C19: New Latin, from soda + -ium
sodium in American English
a soft, silver-white, metallic chemical element, one of the alkali metals, having a waxlike consistency: it is found in nature only in combined form and is extremely active chemically: symbol, Na; at. no., 11
sodium chloride
Word origin
ModL: so named (1807) by Davy < soda (because isolated from caustic soda) + -ium
Since then a rash of orange sodium lighting has produced a grotesque stage set at night.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
These will replace essential sodium and potassium, as well as fluid.
The Sun (2008)
Salt changes the balance of sodium and potassium in your blood, which raises your blood pressure.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
For example, they display salt as sodium.
The Sun (2013)
A lack of potassium or sodium can cause muscle weakness.
Kowalski, Robert E The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure (1990)
Opt for reduced sodium ( salt ) varieties instead.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
They contain a lot of sodium, or salt, which is dangerous for people with heart problems.
The Sun (2015)
Most of our sodium comes as salt added to our food in preparation, cooking, or at the table.
Kowalski, Robert E The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure (1990)
If you need to add salt, use a salt substitute high in potassium salt, rather than sodium salt.
Vera Peiffer POSITIVELY FEARLESS: Breaking free of the fears that hold you back (2001)
Then she sets them to work, recording its chemical symbol, appearance and properties and comparing them to sodium and potassium.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: sodium NOUN
Sodium is a silvery-white chemical element, such as salt, which combines with other chemicals.
American English: sodium
Brazilian Portuguese: sódio
Chinese: 钠
European Spanish: sodio
French: sodium
German: Natrium
Italian: sodio
Japanese: ナトリウム
Korean: 나트륨
European Portuguese: sódio
Latin American Spanish: sodio
All related terms of 'sodium'
(of food) containing less than 5 mg of sodium per serving
sodium lamp
a type of electric lamp consisting of a glass tube containing neon and sodium vapour at low pressure through which an electric current is passed to give an orange light. They are used in street lighting
sodium amide
a white crystalline compound used as a dehydrating agent , as a chemical reagent , and in making sodium cyanide . Formula: NaNH 2
sodium amytal
a barbiturate , a brand of amobarbital , used as a sedative and hypnotic
sodium light
the light produced by a sodium lamp
sodium arsenite
a white or grayish-white, water-soluble , poisonous powder , NaAsO 2 , used chiefly in arsenical soaps for hides , as an insecticide , and as a weed-killer
sodium benzoate
a white crystalline soluble compound used as an antibacterial and antifungal agent in preserving food ( E211 ), as an antiseptic , and in making dyes and pharmaceuticals. Formula: (C 6 H 5 COO )Na
sodium bromide
a white, crystalline compound, NaBr, used in medicine as a sedative and in photography to produce silver bromide
sodium chlorate
a colourless crystalline soluble compound used as a bleaching agent , weak antiseptic , and weedkiller . Formula: NaClO 3
sodium chloride
common table salt; a soluble colourless crystalline compound occurring naturally as halite and in sea water: widely used as a seasoning and preservative for food and in the manufacture of chemicals, glass, and soap . Formula: NaCl
sodium citrate
a white, crystalline powder , Na 3 C 6 H 5 O 7 ·2H 2 O, that dissolves in water but not alcohol , with a salty taste , used as a food additive , esp. in soft drinks, as an anticoagulant , etc.
sodium citrates
the sodium salts of citric acid ( monosodium citrate , disodium citrate, trisodium citrate)
sodium cyanide
a white odourless crystalline soluble poisonous compound with an odour of hydrogen cyanide when damp . It is used for extracting gold and silver from their ores and for case-hardening steel. Formula: NaCN
sodium fluoride
a colorless, toxic , crystalline powder , NaF, with many uses, esp. as an insecticide , in making glass, and, in minute quantities, in toothpaste and to fluoridate public water supplies
sodium nitrate
a white crystalline soluble solid compound occurring naturally as Chile saltpetre and caliche and used in matches, explosives , and rocket propellants , as a fertilizer , and as a curing salt for preserving food such as bacon , ham , and cheese ( E251 ). Formula: NaNO 3
sodium nitrite
a compound (the sodium salt of nitrous acid) with the chemical formula NaNO 2 that is used as a preservative and colouring agent , esp in meat and fish products
sodium peroxide
a yellowish-white odourless soluble powder formed when sodium reacts with an excess of oxygen : used as an oxidizing agent in chemical preparations , a bleaching agent, an antiseptic , and in removing carbon dioxide from air in submarines , etc. Formula: Na 2 O 2
sodium silicate
a substance having the general formula, Na 2 O. x SiO 2 , where x varies between 3 and 5, existing as an amorphous powder or present in a usually viscous aqueous solution
sodium stearate
Sodium stearate is a salt of stearic acid used as a surfactant (= a substance that reduces the surface tension of a liquid and allows it to foam ) in order to aid the solubility of hydrophobic substances in oral medicines .
sodium sulfate
a white, crystalline salt, Na 2 SO 4 , used in medicine and in the making of dyes , glass, etc.
sodium sulphate
a solid white substance that occurs naturally as thenardite and is usually used as the white anhydrous compound ( salt cake ) or the white crystalline decahydrate ( Glauber's salt ) in making glass, detergents , and pulp . Formula: Na 2 SO 4
Pentothal sodium
→ thiopental sodium
sodium bicarbonate
a white crystalline soluble compound usually obtained by the Solvay process and used in effervescent drinks, baking powders , fire extinguishers, and in medicine as an antacid ; sodium hydrogen carbonate . Formula: NaHCO 3
sodium bichromate
a soluble crystalline solid compound, usually obtained as red or orange crystals and used as an oxidizing agent , corrosion inhibitor , and mordant . Formula Na 2 Cr 2 O 7
sodium bisulfite
Sodium bisulfite is a crystalline compound used as an antioxidant and stabilizing agent .
sodium carbonate
a colourless or white odourless soluble crystalline compound existing in several hydrated forms and used in the manufacture of glass , ceramics , soap , and paper and as an industrial and domestic cleansing agent . It is made by the Solvay process and commonly obtained as the decahydrate ( washing soda or sal soda) or a white anhydrous powder (soda ash ). Formula: Na 2 CO 3
sodium dichromate
a soluble crystalline solid compound, usually obtained as red or orange crystals and used as an oxidizing agent , corrosion inhibitor , and mordant . Formula Na 2 Cr 2 O 7
sodium glutamate
a white crystalline substance, the sodium salt of glutamic acid, that has little flavour itself but enhances the flavour of proteins either by increasing the amount of saliva produced in the mouth or by stimulating the taste buds : used as a food additive , esp in Chinese foods. Formula: NaC 5 H 8 O 4
sodium hydroxide
a white deliquescent strongly alkaline solid used in the manufacture of rayon , paper, aluminium , soap , and sodium compounds. Formula: NaOH
sodium hyposulfite
→ sodium thiosulfate
Sodium Pentothal
→ thiopental sodium
sodium perborate
a white odourless crystalline compound used as an antiseptic and deodorant . Formula: NaBO 3 .4 H 2 O
sodium phosphate
any sodium salt of any phosphoric acid, esp one of three salts of orthophosphoric acid having formulas NaH 2 PO 4 ( monosodium dihydrogen orthophosphate ), Na 2 HPO 4 ( disodium monohydrogen orthophosphate ), and Na 3 PO 4 ( trisodium orthophosphate )
sodium propionate
a transparent crystalline soluble substance used as a medical fungicide and to prevent the growth of moulds , esp to retard spoilage in packed foods. Formula: Na(C 2 H 5 COO )
sodium pyrosulfite
an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Na2S2 O 5 that is used as a preservative , antioxidant and disinfectant
sodium thiopental
Pharmacology See sodium pentothal
sodium thiosulfate
a white, crystalline salt, Na 2 S 2 O 3 , used as an antichlor, as a fixing agent in photography , etc.
thiopental sodium
a barbiturate drug used in medicine as an intravenous general anaesthetic . Formula: C 11 H 17 NaN 2 O 2 S
croscarmellose sodium
Croscarmellose sodium is a substance used in tablets and capsules as a disintegrant.
pentobarbital sodium
a barbiturate drug used in medicine as a sedative and hypnotic . Formula: C 11 H 17 N 2 O 3 Na
sodium fluoroacetate
a white crystalline odourless poisonous compound, used as a rodenticide . Formula: (CH 2 FCOO)Na
sodium hypochlorite
a greenish, unstable salt, NaOCl, usually stored in solution, used esp. as a bleaching agent and disinfectant
sodium hyposulphite
a white soluble substance used, in the pentahydrate form, in photography as a fixer to dissolve unchanged silver halides and also to remove excess chlorine from chlorinated water. Formula: Na 2 S 2 O 3
sodium metabisulfite
Sodium metabisulfite is a crystalline compound used as an antioxidant .
sodium metabisulphite
an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Na2S2O5 that is used as a preservative , antioxidant and disinfectant
sodium metasilicate
a white, granular sodium silicate , Na 2 SiO 3 , soluble in water: used in detergents and in bleaching and cleaning products
sodium pentabarbital
a barbiturate drug used in medicine as a sedative and hypnotic . Formula: C 11 H 17 N 2 O 3 Na
sodium thiosulphate
a white soluble substance used, in the pentahydrate form, in photography as a fixer to dissolve unchanged silver halides and also to remove excess chlorine from chlorinated water. Formula: Na 2 S 2 O 3
sodium-vapor lamp
a discharge lamp used for street lighting, fitted with two electrodes and filled with neon and sodium vapor, giving off a soft, yellow light
sodium-vapour lamp
a type of electric lamp consisting of a glass tube containing neon and sodium vapour at low pressure through which an electric current is passed to give an orange light. They are used in street lighting