Franco- occurs in words connected with France and the French language. For example, a Francophile is someone who likes France and French culture.
2. combining form
Franco- combines with adjectives indicating nationality to form adjectives which describe something connected with relations between France and another country.
...the Franco-German border.
Franco in British English
(ˈfræŋkəʊ, Spanish ˈfraŋko)
Francisco (franˈθisko), called el Caudillo. 1892–1975, Spanish general and statesman; head of state (1939–1975). He was commander-in-chief of the Falangists in the Spanish Civil War (1936–39), defeating the republican government and establishing a dictatorship (1939). He kept Spain neutral in World War II
Franco- in British English
combining form
indicating France or French
Word origin
from Medieval Latin Francus, from Late Latin: Frank
Franco in American English
Franˈcisco (frænˈsɪskoʊ) (born Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco Bahamonde) 1892-1975; Sp. general: dictator of Spain (1939-75)