original name Jorge Mario Bergoglio. born 1936 in Argentina, pope from 2013
Dick, full name Richard Stanley Francis. 1920–2010, British thriller writer, formerly a champion jockey. His books include Dead Cert (1962), The Edge (1988), and Come to Grief (1995)
Sir Philip. 1740–1818, British politician; probable author of the Letters of Junius (1769–72). He played an important part in the impeachment of Warren Hastings (1788–95)
Francis in American English1
a masculine name: dim. Frank; equiv. Fr. François, Ger. Franz, It. Francesco, Franco, Sp. Francisco; fem. Frances, Francine
Word origin
OFr Franceis < ML Franciscus < Gmc *Franco: see Frank2
Francis in American English2
Francis I1494-1547; king of France (1515-47)
Francis II1768-1835; last emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (1792-1806) and, as Francis I, first emperor of Austria (1804-35)
Word lists with
All related terms of 'Francis'
Francis I
1494–1547, king of France (1515–47). His reign was dominated by his rivalry with Emperor Charles V for the control of Italy. He was a noted patron of the arts and learning
Francis II
1544–60, king of France (1559–60); son of Henry II and Catherine de' Medici ; first husband of Mary , Queen of Scots
Francis turbine
a water turbine designed to produce high flow from a low head of pressure : used esp in hydroelectric power generation
Francis Xavier
→ Saint Francis Xavier
Francis Ferdinand
1863-1914; archduke of Austria: his assassination led to the outbreak of WWI
Francis de Sales
Saint . 1567–1622, French ecclesiastic and theologian ; bishop of Geneva (1602–22) and an opponent of Calvinism ; author of Introduction to a Devout Life (1609) and founder of the Order of the Visitation (1610). Feast day: Jan 24
Francis Joseph I
1830-1916; emperor of Austria (1848-1916) and king of Hungary (1867-1916): uncle of Francis Ferdinand
Francis of Assisi
Saint original name Giovanni di Bernardone . ?1181–1226, Italian monk ; founder of the Franciscan order of friars . He is remembered for his humility and love for all creation and was the first person to exhibit stigmata (1224). Feast day: Oct 4
Francis of Sales
Saint . 1567–1622, French ecclesiastic and theologian ; bishop of Geneva (1602–22) and an opponent of Calvinism ; author of Introduction to a Devout Life (1609) and founder of the Order of the Visitation (1610). Feast day: Jan 24
Saint Francis Xavier
Saint Francis , known as the Apostle of the Indies . 1506–52, Spanish missionary , who was a founding member of the Jesuit society (1534) and later preached in Goa , Ceylon ( Sri Lanka), the East Indies, and Japan. Feast day: Dec 3