the process of separating the constituents of a liquid mixture by heating it and condensing separately the components according to their different boiling points
a distillation in which the vapour is brought into contact with a countercurrent of condensed liquid to increase the purity of the final products
Sometimes shortened to: distillation
fractional distillation in the Oil and Gas Industry
(frækʃənəl dɪstəleɪʃən)
(Extractive engineering: Refinery processes)
Fractional distillation is a process in which components in a chemical mixture are separated by their differentboiling points.
It is not possible to separate these substances by fractional distillation, as their boiling points are too close.
If the substances have different boiling points, then it is possible to separatethe components of the mixture by fractional distillation.
Fractional distillation is a process in which components in a chemical mixture are separated by their differentboiling points.