Am is the first person singular of the present tense of be1. Am is often shortened to 'm in spoken English. The negative forms are 'I am not' and 'I'm not'. In questions and tags in spoken English, these are usually changed to 'aren't I'.
English Easy Learning GrammarBeThe verb be is used as an auxiliary verb and it can also be used as a main verb. SeeTypes of main verb. The verb be is irregular. It has eight different ... Read more
Word forms: plural AMs
AM is a method of transmitting radio waves that can be used to broadcast sound. AM is an abbreviation for 'amplitude modulation'.
2. countable noun
An AM is a member of the Welsh Assembly. AM is an abbreviation for 'assembly member'.
Am. is a written abbreviation for American.
(eɪem) also am
a.m. is used after a number to show that you are referring to a particular time between midnight and noon. Compare p.m.
The program starts at 9 a.m.
am in British English1
verb (æm, unstressed əm)
(used with I) a form of the present tense (indicative mood) of be1
Word origin
Old English eam; related to Old Norse em, Gothic im, Old High German bim, Latin sum, Greek eimi, Sanskrit asmi
am in British English2
abbreviation for
1. AM (sense 5)
2. a.m.
am in British English3
the internet domain name for
Armenia in British English3
a republic in NW Asia: originally part of the historic Armenian kingdom; acquired by Russia in 1828; became the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1936; gained independence in 1991. It is mountainous, rising over 4000 m (13 000 ft). Language: Armenian. Religion: Christian (Armenian Apostolic) majority. Currency: dram. Capital: Yerevan. Pop: 2 930 450 (2017 est). Area: 29 800 sq km (11 490 sq miles)
a former kingdom in W Asia, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, south of Georgia
a town in central Colombia: centre of a coffee-growing district. Pop: 349 000 (2005 est)
Am in British English
the chemical symbol for
AM in British English
abbreviation for
associate member
Assembly Member (of the National Assembly of Wales)
Albert Medal
4. US
Master of Arts
5. Also: am
amplitude modulation
6. a.m.
Member of the Order of Australia
Armenia (international car registration)
Am. in British English
abbreviation for
a.m. in British English
or A.M. or am or AM
abbreviation for(indicating the time period from midnight to midday)
ante meridiem
Compare p.m.
Word origin
Latin: before noon
AM in American English1
amplitude-modulation broadcasting or sound transmission, characterized by the capability of transmitting over long distances and by a moderate to high level of noise and static
see also FM2
AM in American English2
amplitude modulation
before noon
used to designate the time from midnight to noon: also A.M., a.m., am
Master of Arts
: also A.M.
Word origin
(sense 2) L ante meridiem; (sense 3) L Artium Magister
Am in American English1
3. Bible
Am in American English2
am in American English
verb intransitive
1st pers. sing., pres. indic., of
Word origin
OE eom, am < IE *esmi < base *es-, be + *-mi, suffix of 1st pers. sing.: see be
Examples of 'am' in a sentence
I am sure the Overlord will look most kindly on your character.
Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2001)
When you're as old as I am, you get to call everything wisdom.
Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2001)
However, it seems I am doomed to serve your cause, whether I like it or not.
Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2001)
Without wanting to raise your hopes too high, I would say simply, soberly, that I am very optimistic.
John Colapinto ABOUT THE AUTHOR (2001)
Word lists with
international car registration letters, internet
In other languages
British English: AM ABBREVIATION
AM is a method of transmitting radio waves that can be used to broadcast sound. AM is an abbreviation for 'amplitude modulation'.
American English: AM
Brazilian Portuguese: AMabreviatura de "amplitude modulada"
Chinese: 调幅
European Spanish: A.M.
French: AM
German: AM
Italian: AM
Japanese: AM
Korean: 에이엠
European Portuguese: AMabreviatura de "amplitude modulada"
Latin American Spanish: A.M.
British English: a.m. /eɪ ɛm/ ABBREVIATION
a.m. after a number indicates that the number refers to a particular time between midnight and noon.