In grammar, a participle is a form of a verb that can be used in compound tenses of the verb. There are two participles in English: thepast participle, which usually ends in '-ed', and the present participle, which ends in '-ing'.
English Easy Learning GrammarCompound tensesThe compound tenses are a combination of present or past tense (shown through an auxiliaryverb) with continuous or perfect aspect. See also Tense and ... Read more
participle in British English
(ˈpɑːtɪsɪpəl, pɑːˈtɪsɪpəl)
a nonfinite form of verbs, in English and other languages, used adjectivally and in the formation of certain compound tenses
See also present participle, past participle
Derived forms
participial (ˌpɑːtɪˈsɪpɪəl)
adjective, noun
participially (ˌpartiˈcipially)
Word origin
C14: via Old French from Latin participium, from particeps partaker, from parspart + capere to take
participle in American English
a verbal form having some characteristics and functions of both verb and adjective: in English, the present participle ends in -ing (asking) and the past participle most commonly ends in -ed or -en (asked, spoken)
participles are used: a) in verb phrases (are asking, was carried) b) as verbs (seeing the results, he stopped) c) as adjectives (a laughing boy, the beaten path) d) as nouns, i.e., gerunds (seeing is believing) e) as adverbs (raving mad) f) as connectives (saving those present)
Word origin
OFr < L participium < particeps, participating, partaking < participare, participate: from participating in the nature of both v. & adj.
Examples of 'participle' in a sentence
I'm edified to see the ablative affected you so strongly... The past participle for ferre now, please.
Haines, Pamela THE GOLDEN LION (2001)
`From strictus, past participle of stringere, to draw or bind tight.
Anthony Masters CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD (2001)
In other languages
British English: participle NOUN
In grammar, a participle is a form of a verb that can be used in compound tenses of the verb.