Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense parks, present participle parking, past tense, past participle parked
1. countable noun
A park is a public area of land with grass and trees, usually in a town, where people goin order to relax and enjoy themselves.
...Regent's Park.
...a brisk walk with the dog around the park.
They stopped and sat on a park bench.
Synonyms: recreation ground, garden, playground, pleasure garden More Synonyms of park
2. verb
When you park a vehicle or park somewhere, you drive the vehicle into a position where it can stay for a period of time, and leave it there.
Greenfield turned into the next side street and parked. [VERB]
He found a place to park the car. [VERB noun]
Ben parked across the street. [VERB preposition/adverb]
...rows of parked cars. [VERB-ed]
Synonyms: leave, stop, station, position More Synonyms of park
3. See also double-park
4. countable noun
You can refer to a place where a particular activity is carried out as a park.
...a science and technology park.
...a business park.
5. variable noun
A private area of grass and trees around a large country house is referred to as apark.
...a 19th-century manor house in six acres of park and woodland.
Synonyms: parkland, grounds, estate [British], lawns More Synonyms of park
6. singular noun [usu ontheN]
Some people refer to a football or rugby field as the park.
[British, journalism]
Chris was also the best player on the park.
Synonyms: field, pitch, playing field More Synonyms of park
7. countable noun & noun, in names
A park is a park or stadium where baseball is played. Park is also used in the names of some parks.
...a spot where professional baseball has been played in one park or another since1896.
The network was broadcasting the World Series from Candlestick Park when the quakestruck.
8. See also parked, amusement park, ballpark, car park, national park, safari park, theme park
More Synonyms of park
park in British English
a large area of land preserved in a natural state for recreational use by the public
See also national park
a piece of open land in a town with public amenities
3. New Zealand
an area, esp of mountain country, reserved for recreational purposes
a large area of land forming a private estate
5. English law
an enclosed tract of land where wild beasts are protected, acquired by a subject by royal grant or prescription
Compare forest (sense 5)
an area designed and landscaped to accommodate a group of related enterprises, businesses, research establishments, etc
science park
7. US and Canadian amusement park
8. US, Canadian and New Zealand car park
9. US and Canadian
a playing field or sports stadium
10. the park
a gear selector position on the automatic transmission of a motor vehicle that acts as a parking brake
the area in which the equipment and supplies of a military formation are assembled
a high valley surrounded by mountains in the western US
to stop and leave (a vehicle) temporarily
to manoeuvre (a motor vehicle) into a space for it to be left
try to park without hitting the kerb
16. stock exchange
to register (securities) in the name of another or of nominees in order to conceal their real ownership
17. (transitive) informal
to leave or put somewhere
park yourself in front of the fire
18. (intransitive) military
to arrange equipment in a park
19. (transitive)
to enclose in or as a park
Derived forms
parklike (ˈparkˌlike)
Word origin
C13: from Old French parc, from Medieval Latin parricus enclosure, from Germanic; compare Old High German pfarrih pen, Old English pearrucpaddock1
Park in British English
Mungo (ˈmʌŋɡəʊ). 1771–1806, Scottish explorer. He led two expeditions (1795–97; 1805–06) to trace the course of the Niger in Africa. He was drowned during the second expedition
Nick, full name Nicholas Wulstan Park. born 1958, British animator and film director; his films include A Grand Day Out (1992), which introduced the characters Wallace and Gromit, and the feature-length Chicken Run (2000)
Chung Hee (ˈtʃʊŋ ˈhiː). 1917–79, South Korean politician; president of the Republic of Korea (1963–79); assassinated
Park in American English
ˈMungo (ˈmʌŋgoʊ) 1771-1806; Scot. explorer in Africa
park in American English
1. English; Obsolete
an enclosed area of land, held by royal grant or prescription, stocked and preservedfor hunting
an area of land containing pasture, woods, lakes, etc., surrounding a large country house
an area of public land
; specif.,
an area in or near a city, usually laid out with walks, drives, playgrounds, etc., for public recreation
an open square in a city, with benches, trees, etc.
a large area known for its natural scenery and preserved for public recreation by a state or national government
5. US and West
a level, open area surrounded by mountains or forest
that arrangement of bands, clutches, etc. in an automatic transmission that disengages and locks the drive wheels of a motor vehicle
parking lot
an area set aside for a particular commercial use
; specif.,
amusement park
industrial park
9. Military
an area for storing and servicing vehicles and other equipment
verb transitive
to enclose in or as in a park
to store (military equipment) in a park
12. US
to leave (a vehicle) in a place temporarily
13. US
to maneuver (a vehicle) into a space where it can be left temporarily
14. US, Informal
to leave in a particular place; deposit
15. Finance
to transfer (securities) temporarily, as to conceal ownership
verb intransitive
to park a vehicle
Derived forms
parker (ˈparker)
Word origin
ME parc < OFr < ML parricus < Iberian *parra > Sp parra, trellis, grape vine
park in Automotive Engineering1
(Automotive engineering: Vehicle components, Brakes, steering, wheels, tires, and suspension)
Park is a gear position on the automatic transmission of a vehicle that acts as a parkingbrake.
Place the shift lever in Park position.
The vehicle should be in Park while not running or while running but not moving for a period of time.
Park position on the automatic transmission gear selector indicator represents the position thatlocks up the transmission and prevents the wheels from rolling.
park in Automotive Engineering2
Word forms: (present) parks, (past) parked, (perfect) parked, (progressive) parking
verb (transitive) (intransitive)
(Automotive engineering: Design and performance)
When you park a vehicle or park somewhere, you drive the vehicle into a position where it can stay for a period oftime, and leave it there.
He found a place to park the car.
There were only a few cars parked by the curb on one side of the road.
In the city center, it's very hard to find a place to park your car.
The lorry was taken to a business park and thousands of laptops removed.
The Sun (2017)
Bear right to footbridge and car park.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Prices are fairly consistent throughout the national park.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Hotel guests are also able to get into the theme park one hour before the general public.
The Sun (2017)
But jams have earned it a reputation as the nation's largest car park.
The Sun (2016)
There is also an off-street parking space.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
That'd be like banning people from keeping a dog if they park in a disabled parking bay.
The Sun (2016)
The mile after mile of static car parks on the country 's main arteries cause heart attacks for the economy and drivers alike.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
It was easy to imagine this was the players' car park, although it was just a display by one of their sponsors.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
You want me to park outside his house and howl?
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
We must absolutely protect our green belts and national parks.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The police sometimes stop people for walking their dogs in parks and other public places.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
He was the best player on the park in that last period.
Leo McKinstry Sir Alf: A Major Reappraisal of the Life and Times of England's Greatest FootballManager (2006)
The vehicle was still parked in the street outside.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The electronic parking brake is a switch on the futuristic dashboard.
The Sun (2006)
We like to go in the park and the restaurant.
The Sun (2016)
You could have some great parties here and your guests would have somewhere to park.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
One key issue for her proposed sale of national park woodlands is access.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Go for a stroll and look for a park bench.
The Sun (2012)
There is also an impressive park of huge model dinosaurs and a farm.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Theme parks were a big part of my childhood.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Then it was time for the dreaded parking manoeuvre.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Up ahead our lights picked up the profile of a vehicle parked across our path.
Aidan Hartley THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War (2003)
The service charge will be charged to you directly by your holiday park.
The Sun (2015)
We want to increase public confidence in parking.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Sometimes she was housed by friends and sometimes she slept rough in fields and public parks.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
We were just minding our own business in the park.
The Sun (2016)
We play in a park district football league.
Christianity Today (2000)
The agency says the costs included compensation and some land outside the park.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
There are few parts of the country where parking meters are popular.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
We would sometimes park in her drive when attending a match.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
What wilderness areas and national parks need is branded lodges and holiday homes that offer a guarantee of quality.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The parks are the lungs of LondonWilliam Pitt, Earl of Chatham
In other languages
British English: park /pɑːk/ NOUN
A park is a place with grass and trees. People go to parks to take exercise or play games.
American English: park
Arabic: مُتَنَزَهٌ
Brazilian Portuguese: parque
Chinese: 公园
Croatian: park
Czech: park
Danish: park
Dutch: park
European Spanish: parque
Finnish: puisto
French: parc espace vert
German: Park
Greek: πάρκο
Italian: parco
Japanese: 公園
Korean: 공원 자연
Norwegian: park
Polish: park
European Portuguese: parque
Romanian: parc
Russian: парк
Latin American Spanish: parque
Swedish: park
Thai: สวนสาธารณะ
Turkish: park
Ukrainian: парк
Vietnamese: công viên
British English: park /pɑːk/ VERB
When someone parks a car, they leave it somewhere.
They parked in the street outside the house.
I parked the car outside the house.
American English: park
Arabic: يَركُنُ سِيَارَةً
Brazilian Portuguese: estacionar
Chinese: 停泊车辆
Croatian: parkirati
Czech: parkovat
Danish: parkere
Dutch: parkeren
European Spanish: aparcar
Finnish: pysäköidä
French: garer
German: parken
Greek: παρκάρω
Italian: parcheggiare
Japanese: 駐車する
Korean: 주차하다
Norwegian: parkere
Polish: zaparkować
European Portuguese: estacionar
Romanian: a parca
Russian: парковать(ся)
Latin American Spanish: estacionar
Swedish: parkera
Thai: จอดรถ
Turkish: park etmek
Ukrainian: паркуватися
Vietnamese: đỗ xe
All related terms of 'park'
car park
A car park is an area or building where people can leave their cars.
game park
A game park is a large area of land , especially in Africa, where wild animals can live safely.
Hyde Park
a park in W central London : popular for open-air meetings
Oak Park
village in NE Ill .: suburb of Chicago : pop. 53,000
a transport system designed to encourage drivers to park their cars outside the city and use public transport to travel into the city
play park
A play park is a children's playground .
the park
a soccer pitch
animal park
a zoo in which wild animals are housed and displayed in large open spaces designed to resemble their native habitats
Asbury Park
city in EC N. J ., on the Atlantic: an ocean resort : pop. 17,000
Buena Park
city in SW Calif.: suburb of Los Angeles: pop. 78,000
coach park
an area reserved for parking coaches
If someone double-parks their car or their car double-parks , they park in a road by the side of another parked car.
forest park
a recreational reserve which may include bush and exotic trees
local park
A park is a public area of land with grass and trees, usually in a town, where people go in order to relax and enjoy themselves.
Menlo Park
village in NE N. J . that was the site of Thomas Edison's workshop (1876-87)
motor park
an area or building reserved for parking cars
office park
a complex of office buildings located on land planted with lawns , trees, bushes , etc.
oyster park
a place, esp on the sea bed , where oysters breed and grow naturally or are cultivated for food or pearls
Park Avenue
a wealthy residential street in New York City, regarded as a symbol of high society, fashion , etc.
park bench
a long seat made of wood or metal that two or more people can sit on, placed in a public place or open space in a town
park keeper
A park-keeper is a person whose job is to look after a park.
Park Range
range of the Rockies, in NC Colo. & S Wyo.: highest peak , 14,284 ft (4,354 m )
park ranger
an official in charge of a forest , park , estate , nature reserve , etc
park warden
(in Britain) an official employed by a local authority to patrol and supervise a public park
retail park
A retail park is a large specially built area, usually at the edge of a town or city, where there are a lot of large shops and sometimes other facilities such as cinemas and restaurants.
safari park
A safari park is a large enclosed area of land where wild animals, such as lions and elephants , live freely. People can pay to drive through the park and look at the animals.
skate park
a park or area built for people to ride on skateboards in
theme park
A theme park is a large outdoor area where people pay to go to enjoy themselves. All the different activities in a theme park are usually based on a particular idea or theme.
urban park
A park is a public area of land with grass and trees, usually in a town, where people go in order to relax and enjoy themselves.
Baldwin Park
city in SW Calif.: suburb of Los Angeles: pop. 76,000
Brooklyn Park
city in SE Minn.: suburb of Minneapolis : pop. 67,000
business park
an area specially designated and landscaped to accommodate business offices, warehouses , light industry , etc
country park
an area of countryside , usually not less than 10 hectares , set aside for public recreation : often funded by a Countryside Commission grant
memorial park
a cemetery
Monterey Park
city in SW Calif.: suburb of Los Angeles: pop. 60,000
national park
A national park is a large area of land which is protected by the government because of its natural beauty , plants, or animals, and which the public can usually visit .
Overland Park
city in NE Kans.: suburb of Kansas City: pop. 149,000
If you parallel park a vehicle or parallel park somewhere , you drive the vehicle into a position behind another vehicle in order to park it there.
park savanna
savanna grassland scattered with trees
Regent's Park
a park in central London , laid out as Marylebone Park by John Nash ; now known for the London Zoo , its open-air theatre , and Nash's curved terraces
research park
an industrial park whose facilities are devoted to research and development
science park
A science park is an area, usually linked to a university, where there are a lot of private companies, especially ones concerned with high technology .
trailer park
A trailer park is an area where people can pay to park their trailers and live in them.
wildlife park
an enclosed area of land where uncaged wild animals roam , fairly freely, in conditions designed to mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible
adventure park
a place offering a variety of outdoor entertainments involving physical challenges , esp for children
Algonquin Park
a provincial park in S Canada , in E Ontario , containing over 1200 lakes. Area: 7100 sq km (2741 sq miles)
amusement park
An amusement park is the same as a → funfair .
Bletchley Park
the Buckinghamshire estate which was the centre of British code-breaking operations during World War II
Huntington Park
city in SW Calif.: pop. 61,000
industrial park
An industrial park is the same as an → industrial estate .