the sediment that accumulates at the bottom of a vessel containing any of certain liquids, such as vegetable oil or varnish; dregs
All related terms of 'foots'
a monocotyledonous plant, Testudinaria elephantipes, of southern Africa, with a very large starchy tuberous stem, covered in corky scales : family Dioscoreaceae
any aquatic bird of the tropical and subtropical family Heliornithidae , having broadly lobed toes , a long slender head and neck , and pale brown plumage : order Gruiformes ( cranes , rails etc)
Your feet are the parts of your body that are at the ends of your legs, and that you stand on.
a European leguminous plant, Ornithopus perpusillus , with small red-veined white flowers and curved pods resembling a bird's claws
If you hot-foot it somewhere , you go there in a hurry .
In football , if a player side-foots the ball, they kick it with the side of their foot.
the first person to enter a household in the New Year . By Hogmanay tradition a dark-haired man who crosses the threshold at midnight brings good luck
If you wrong-foot someone, you surprise them by putting them into an unexpected or difficult situation.
a rapid showy gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately, as in a walk