Jan Christiaan (jan ˈkristiˌan). 1870–1950, South African statesman; prime minister (1919–24; 1939–48). He fought for the Boers during the Boer War, then worked for Anglo-Boer reconciliation and served the Allies during World Wars I and II
Smuts in American English
ˈJanˈ Christiaan (ˈjɑnˈ kʀɪstian) 1870-1950; South African general: prime minister (1919-24; 1939-48)
All related terms of 'Smuts'
If you refer to words or pictures that are related to sex as smut , you disapprove of them because you think they are rude and unpleasant and have been said or published just to shock or excite people.
a small dark smudge or stain , esp one caused by soot
a small dark smudge or stain , esp one caused by soot
corn smut
an ascomycetous parasitic fungus , Ustilago zeae, that causes gall-like deformations on maize grain
loose smut
a disease of cereal grasses caused by smut fungi of the genus Ustilago, in which powdery spore masses replace the host tissue
stinking smut
a smut that affects wheat and is caused by the fungus Tilletia caries