a bed of fluidized solids used as a heat exchanger or mass transfer medium
fluidized-bed in American English
designating, of, or having to do with a process for burning coal, garbage, etc. to produce electricity, using a rising stream of hot air to support, churn, and burn a fluidlike bed of fuel particles mixed with sand, ash, etc.
fluidized bed in Chemical Engineering
(fluɪdaɪzd bɛd)
Word forms: (regular plural) fluidized beds
(Chemical Engineering: General)
A fluidized bed is a thick layer of fluidized solids, which is used as a way of moving heat between fluids oras a way of transferring mass.
The fluidized bed is formed by blowing air up through a layer of inert particles, such as sand or limestone,at a rate that causes the particles to go into suspension and continuous motion.
A fluidized bed is made up of a layer of particles buoyed up out of permanent contact with each otherby a flowing fluid.
A fluidized bed is a thick layer of fluidized solids, which is used as a way of moving heat betweenfluids or as a way of transferring mass.