to occur or cause to occur successively or by turns
day and night alternate
2. (intransitive; often foll bybetween)
to swing repeatedly from one condition, action, etc, to another
he alternates between success and failure
3. (transitive)
to interchange regularly or in succession
4. (intransitive)
(of an electric current, voltage, etc) to reverse direction or sign at regular intervals, usually sinusoidally, the instantaneous value varying continuously
5. (intransitive; often foll byfor) theatre
to understudy another actor or actress
adjective (ɔːlˈtɜːnɪt)
occurring by turns
alternate feelings of love and hate
every other or second one of a series
he came to work on alternate days
being a second or further choice; alternative
alternate director
9. botany
(of leaves, flowers, etc) arranged singly at different heights on either side of the stem
(of parts of a flower) arranged opposite the spaces between other parts
Compare opposite (sense 4)
noun (ˈɔːltənɪt, ɔːlˈtɜːnɪt)
10. US and Canadian
a person who substitutes for another in his or her absence; stand-in
Examples of 'altern' in a sentence
This paper explores the contestation among islamic sub-altern communities and islamic mainstream communities.
Dewi Nurrul Maliki 2010, 'Resistensi Kelompok Minoritas Keagamaan Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia', JSP: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Such factors may well force a trend to altern energy sources in some consumer countries.
Erdman J. G., Petty D. G. 2006, 'The Future of Petroleum As an Energy Resource L'avenir du pétrole comme source d'énergie',Oil & Gas Science and Technology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (