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View usage for: Chinese translation of 'pant' vi - [person]
喘气(氣) (chuǎnqì) - [animal]
气(氣)喘吁吁 (qìchuǎn xūxū)
(pænt) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense pants, present participle panting, past tense, past participle panted1. verbIf you pant, you breathe quickly and loudly with your mouth open, because you have been doing something energetic. She climbed rapidly until she was panting with the effort. [VERB] Synonyms: puff, blow, breathe, gasp More Synonyms of pant 2. See also pants More Synonyms of pant (pænt) verb1. to breathe with noisy deep gasps, as when out of breath from exertion or excitement 2. to say (something) while breathing thus 3. (intransitive; often foll by for) to have a frantic desire (for); yearn 4. (intransitive) to pulsate; throb rapidly noun5. the act or an instance of panting 6. a short deep gasping noise; puff Word origin C15: from Old French pantaisier, from Greek phantasioun to have visions, from phantasia fantasypant in American English 1 (pænt) verb intransitive1. to breathe rapidly and heavily; gasp, as from running fast 2. to beat rapidly, as the heart; throb; pulsate 3. to feel strong desire; yearn eagerly with for or after 4. to give off steam, smoke, etc. in loud puffs, as an engine verb transitive5. to utter hurriedly and breathlessly; gasp out noun6. any of a series of rapid, heavy breaths, as from exertion; gasp 7. a throb, as of the heart 8. a puff, as of an engine Word origin ME panten, prob. contr. < OFr pantaisier < VL * phantasiare, to suffer from a nightmare < L phantasia, idea, notion, nightmare: see fantasy pant in American English 2 (pænt) noun, adjective see pants Examples of 'pant' in a sentencepant Now, where are those hot pants?But they don't wear pants.When she at last rose it was with panting breath.To make hot pants work you need a pair of legs and not two knitting needles.Too many come into politics with short pants.There were no pants big enough for me.Next year will be a ban on short pants. Wearing pants with pride is just a new concept to me.Only then were many prepared to let their partner see them in slouchy clothes or big pants.Around him on the grid were drivers barely out of short pants in terms of driving experience.Beat the heat in hot pants.She'd better have come up with something better than pants for him.He didn't realise those hot pants were behind glass.She went up the stairs slowly, but panting for breath and she held Emily tightly against her side.He slipped it into his pocket anyway, stood for a moment panting for breath, and realized that he heard voices.I am sweeping your bedroom for plastic explosives and that excited panting noise you can hear is my sniffer dog, Lucy. British English: pant VERB If you pant, you breathe quickly and loudly with your mouth open, because you have been doing something energetic. She climbed rapidly until she was panting with the effort. - American English: pant
- Brazilian Portuguese: ofegar
- Chinese: 喘息
- European Spanish: jadear
- French: haleter
- German: keuchen
- Italian: ansimare
- Japanese: 息切れする
- Korean: 헐떡거리다
- European Portuguese: ofegar
- Latin American Spanish: jadear
Definition to breathe with noisy gasps after exertion He was panting with the effort of the climb. Definition the act of panting His breath was coming in short pants. idiomSee pant for somethingAdditional synonymsDefinition to breathe hard He ran from door to door, puffing and blowing. Synonyms puff, breathe, pant, gasp, gulp, wheeze, exhaleDefinition to take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide Always breathe through your nose. Synonyms inhale and exhale, pant, gasp, puff, gulp, wheeze, respire, draw in breath His chest heaved, and he took a deep breath. Synonyms expand, rise, swell, pant, throb, exhale, dilate, palpitate- panoply
- panorama
- panoramic
- pant
- pant for something
- panting
- pantry
Additional synonymsDefinition to blow or puff heavily Synonyms puff, blow, exhaleDefinition to flutter or tremble His whole body was palpitating with fear. Synonyms tremble, pulse, shiver, throb, quiver, vibrateDefinition to pulsate or beat repeatedly, esp. with abnormally strong force His head throbbed. Synonyms pulsate, pound, beat, pulse, thump, palpitateDefinition to breathe with a rasping or whistling sound His chest problems made him wheeze constantly. Synonyms gasp, whistle, cough, hiss, rasp, catch your breath, breathe roughly Definition a wheezing breath or sound She puffed up the stairs, emitting a wheeze at every breath. Synonyms gasp, whistle, cough, hiss, rasp |