having sexual preferences that are not limited by biological sex or gender
a pansexual person
pansexual in American English
displaying or encompassing a broad range of human sexual behavior
Derived forms
pansexuality (ˌpansexuˈality)
pansexual in American English
1. Psychiatry
pertaining to the theory that all human behavior is based on sexuality
expressing or involving sexuality in many different forms or with a variety of sexualoutlets
Derived forms
Word origin
[1925–30; pan- + sexual]This word is first recorded in the period 1925–30. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: distinctive feature, dropout, gimmick, hot spot, off-linepan- is a combining form meaning “all,” occurring originally in loanwords from Greek (panacea; panoply), but now used freely as a general formative (panleukopenia; panorama; pantelegraph; pantheism; pantonality), and esp. in terms, formed at will, implying the union of all branches of a group(Pan-Christian; Panhellenic; Pan-Slavism). The hyphen and the second capital tend with longer use to be lost, unless theyare retained in order to set off clearly the component parts