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View usage for: (pælpəbəl) adjectiveYou describe something as palpable when it is obvious or intense and easily noticed. The tension between Amy and Jim is palpable. There is an almost palpable feeling of hopelessness. Synonyms: obvious, apparent, patent, clear More Synonyms of palpable palpably (pælpəbli) adverb The scene was palpably intense to watch. More Synonyms of palpable palpable in British English (ˈpælpəbəl) adjective1. (usually prenominal) easily perceived by the senses or the mind; obvious the excuse was a palpable lie 2. capable of being touched; tangible 3. medicine capable of being discerned by the sense of touch a palpable tumour Derived forms palpability (ˌpalpaˈbility) or palpableness (ˈpalpableness) noun palpably (ˈpalpably) adverb Word origin C14: from Late Latin palpābilis that may be touched, from Latin palpāre to stroke, touch palpable in American English (ˈpælpəbəl) adjective1. that can be touched, felt, or handled; tangible 2. easily perceived by the senses; audible, recognizable, perceptible, noticeable, etc. 3. clear to the mind; obvious; evident; plain SIMILAR WORDS: ˈevident, perˈceptible Derived forms palpability (ˌpalpaˈbility) noun palpably (ˈpalpably) adverb Word origin ME < LL palpabilis < L palpare, to touch, prob. < IE base * pel-, to make move, shake > feel Examples of 'palpable' in a sentencepalpable There is definitely a more palpable feeling of modernity.A palpable sense of itchy excitement is mounting at the prospect of a bear encounter.They count our fury as evidence of a palpable hit.The urge for victory was almost palpable.There was palpable relief in the room.These days there is a palpable sense of pride in the country.MPs got in a few palpable hits.The seething sense of unfairness is almost palpable.So there was palpable relief yesterday as they received a dramatic double boost.The sense of misery in the jeep was now palpable.The darkness and cold are almost palpable.His relief was palpable when the red flag was shown.His importance to the side explains the palpable sense of relief.For the sense of anticipation of change was almost palpable.At the final whistle the sense of relief was palpable.He finds talking about his fractured upbringing harrowing and there is a palpable air of sadness about him.The expectation that he will perform here is palpable and almost as strong as the affection for him.There's a palpable feeling of confidence in the future.The tone is always respectful, but the intensity of feeling is palpable.There is a palpable sense of new economic beginnings, optimism and recovery.The release was only to be expected, the relief palpable.A palpable hit or a cultural binge that brings down a plague on both their houses?One pal said: 'The pain in the air was palpable.Surely this was a palpable hit, and the German vessel had been sunk.This week though, I can record a palpable hit.With her limpid touch and palpable feeling for the unfolding of form, she avoids excessive emphasis, but firmness is there when called for. In other languagespalpable British English: palpable ADJECTIVE You describe something as palpable when it is obvious or intense and easily noticed. The tension between them is palpable. - American English: palpable
- Brazilian Portuguese: palpável
- Chinese: 可感知的
- European Spanish: palpable
- French: manifeste
- German: spürbar
- Italian: palpabile
- Japanese: 明らかな
- Korean: 뚜렷한
- European Portuguese: palpável
- Latin American Spanish: palpable
Definition obvious The tension between them is palpable. Definition (of a feeling or an atmosphere) so intense that it seems capable of being touched palpable benefits Seeovert- palm something off on someone
- palmistry
- palmy
- palpable
- palpitate
- paltry
- pamper
Additional synonymsDefinition relating to things that can be perceived by the senses, as opposed to abstractions using concrete objects to teach addition and subtraction Synonyms real, material, actual, substantial (formal), sensible, tangible, factualDefinition clearly visible Her conspicuous lack of warmth confirmed that they were no longer friends. Synonyms obvious, clear, apparent, visible, patent, evident, manifest, noticeable, blatant, discernible, salient, perceptible, easily seen Definition easy to see or understand He spoke with evident emotion about his ordeal. Synonyms obvious, clear, plain, apparent, visible, patent, manifest, tangible, noticeable, blatant, conspicuous, unmistakable, palpable, salient, indisputable, perceptible, incontrovertible, incontestable, plain as the nose on your face Definition easily noticed, obvious cases of manifest injustice Synonyms obvious, apparent, patent, evident, open, clear, plain, visible, bold, distinct, glaring, noticeable, blatant, conspicuous, unmistakable, palpable, salientDefinition concerned with or composed of physical matter or substance the material world Synonyms physical, worldly, solid, substantial (formal), concrete, fleshly, bodily, tangible, palpable, corporeal, nonspiritual Definition exposed to view their open dislike of each other Synonyms obvious, clear, frank, plain, apparent, visible, patent, evident, distinct, pronounced, manifest, transparent, noticeable, blatant, conspicuous, downright, overt, unmistakable, palpable, recognizable, avowed, flagrant, perceptible, much in evidence, undisguised, unsubtle, barefaced, unconcealed, opN Definition obvious This was a patent lie. Synonyms obvious, apparent, evident, blatant, open, clear, glaring, manifest, transparent, conspicuous, downright, unmistakable, palpable, unequivocal, flagrant, indisputable, unconcealed Definition easily understood It was plain to me that he was lying. Synonyms clear, obvious, patent, evident, apparent, visible, distinct, understandable, manifest, transparent, overt, unmistakable, lucid, unambiguous, comprehensible, legibleDefinition actual No, it wasn't a dream. It was real. Synonyms true, actual, genuine, concrete, sincere, tangible, honest, factual, existent, palpable, dinkum (Australian, New Zealand, informal), unimagined, unfeignedDefinition proved or provable Some solid evidence was what was required. Synonyms sound, real, reliable, good, genuine, dinkum (Australian, New Zealand, informal) Additional synonymsDefinition available to the senses talk of imminent and substantial progress Synonyms real, true, positive, material, actual, valid, weightyDefinition clear or unambiguous the unmistakable aroma of freshly ground coffee Synonyms clear, certain, positive, decided, sure, obvious, plain, patent, evident, distinct, pronounced, glaring, manifest, blatant, conspicuous, palpable, unequivocal, unambiguous, indisputableDefinition able to be perceived by the mind The meadows are hardly visible from the house.a visible effort to control himself Synonyms perceptible, noticeable, observable, clear, obvious, plain, apparent, bold, patent, to be seen, evident, manifest, in sight, in view, conspicuous, unmistakable, palpable, discernible, salient, detectable, not hidden, distinguishable, unconcealed, perceivable, discoverable, anywhere to be seen |