a camera in which the image is composed and focused on a large ground-glass viewfinder screen. In a single-lens reflex the light enters through the camera lens and falls on the film when the viewfinder mirror is retracted. In a twin-lens reflex the light enters through a separate lens and is deflected onto the viewfinder screen
SLR in American English
a camera having a viewing system that allows the photographer to see the subject through the same lens that brings the image to the film
Word origin
s(ingle) l(ens) r(eflex)
Examples of 'SLR' in a sentence
He hadn't told them about the stunning impact of a high velocity round against the magazine of an SLR.
Seymour, Gerald FIELD OF BLOOD
These men were not like the police at home - she wasn't looking at the nose of an SLR and being made to feel guilty for simply being alive.