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View usage for: (slʌvənli) adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]Slovenly people are careless, untidy, or inefficient. [disapproval] Lisa was irritated by the slovenly attitude of her boyfriend Sean. More Synonyms of slovenly slovenly in British English (ˈslʌvənlɪ) adjective1. frequently or habitually unclean or untidy 2. negligent and careless; slipshod slovenly manners adverb3. in a negligent or slovenly manner Derived forms slovenliness (ˈslovenliness) noun slovenly in American English (ˈslʌvənli) adjectiveWord forms: ˈslovenlier or ˈslovenliest1. characteristic of a sloven 2. careless in appearance, habits, work, etc.; untidy; slipshod Derived forms slovenliness (ˈslovenliness) noun Examples of 'slovenly' in a sentenceslovenly I'd wondered if she'd have set the table in the kitchen, there just being the two of us, but perhaps she considered that to be slovenly.Since then Maurice had seen him roaming about here and there, looking slovenly.`Now that he has put his mind to his learning,' he added heavily, and I heard there the master's rebuke of my slovenly parenting.Looking down at his shoe so enraged the man that he began to curse the Romans for their slovenly public habits. Definition always unclean or untidy He was gruff, slovenly, and given to brooding. Synonyms slatternly (old-fashioned) Opposites smart , trim , neat , tidy , orderly , clean , meticulous , well-groomed , shipshape , soigné or soignée Definition negligent and careless Such slovenly work is simply unacceptable. Synonyms Opposites careful , meticulous , conscientious , disciplined , methodical , well-ordered Additional synonymsDefinition untidy He turned up wearing a daggy tracksuit. Synonyms untidy, unkempt, dishevelled, tousled, disordered, messy, ruffled, scruffy, rumpled, bedraggled, ratty (informal), straggly, windblown, disarranged, mussed up (informal) Definition untidy and disorganized The desk was covered in a disorderly jumble of old papers. Synonyms untidy, confused, chaotic, messy, irregular, jumbled, indiscriminate, shambolic (informal), disorganized, higgledy-piggledy (informal), unsystematicDefinition taking no notice She scattered the letters about in her heedless haste. Synonyms careless, reckless, negligent, rash, precipitate, oblivious, foolhardy, thoughtless, unthinking, imprudent, neglectful, inattentive, incautious, unmindful, unobservant - slouch around
- slouching
- slough off
- slovenly
- slow
- slow down
- slowly
Additional synonymsDefinition lacking a sense of propriety part of a campaign aimed at educating employees on the perils of loose lips Synonyms careless, rash, lax, negligent, thoughtless, imprudent, heedless, unmindfulThe jury ruled that the Council had acted in a negligent manner. Synonyms careless, regardless, slack, thoughtless, inadvertent, unthinking, forgetful, slapdash, neglectful, heedless, slipshod, inattentive, remiss (formal), unmindful, disregardful Definition careless in one's work Many publishers have simply become far too slack. Synonyms negligent, lazy, lax, idle, easy-going, inactive, tardy, slapdash, neglectful, slipshod, inattentive, remiss (formal), asleep on the job (informal) Definition careless or hasty a slapdash piece of work Synonyms careless, sloppy (informal), hasty, disorderly, hurried, last-minute, messy, clumsy, negligent, untidy, haphazard, perfunctory, thoughtless, thrown-together, slovenly, slipshodSynonyms dirty, sloppy (informal), slovenly, untidy, bedraggled, unkempt, unclean, slipshod, sluttish, frowzy, draggletailed (archaic) Definition (of an action) done in a careless way without attention to detail The hotel had always been run in a slipshod way. Synonyms careless, sloppy (informal), loose, slapdash, casual, untidy, slovenly, unsystematicDefinition careless or untidy I won't accept sloppy work from my students. Synonyms careless, slovenly, slipshod, messy, clumsy, untidy, amateurish, hit-or-miss (informal), inattentiveDefinition untidy or slovenly The child was unkempt and dirty. Synonyms untidy, scruffy, dishevelled, disordered, messy, sloppy (informal), shabby, rumpled, bedraggled, slovenly, blowsy, sluttish, slatternly, disarranged, ungroomed, disarrayed, frowzy, daggy (Australian, New Zealand, informal) |