A pail is a bucket, usually made of metal or wood.
[mainly US [mainly, also British, old-fashioned]
pail in British English
a bucket, esp one made of wood or metal
2. Also called: pailful
the quantity that fills a pail
Word origin
Old English pægel; compare Catalan paella frying pan, paella
pail in American English
a more or less cylindrical container, usually with a hoop-shaped handle, for holding and carrying liquids, etc.; bucket
the amount held by a pail
: also ˈpailˌfulWord forms: pluralˈpailˌfuls
Word origin
ME paile < OE pægel, small measure, wine vessel < LL pagella (dim. of L pagina, page1), a small page, in VL, a measure of area, later a measure of volume: infl. by OFrpaele, a pan < L patella: see patella
Examples of 'pail' in a sentence
Benedict put the pail down beside the vet, then returned to where Grace was standing, nursing her bandaged arm.
Stewart, Michael GRACE (1995)
In other languages
British English: pail /peɪl/ NOUN
A pail is a bucket, usually made of metal or wood.