any invertebrate of the phylum Arthropoda, having jointed limbs, a segmented body, and an exoskeleton made of chitin. The group includes the crustaceans, insects, arachnids, and centipedes
Derived forms
arthropodous (ɑːˈθrɒpədəs) or arthropodal (arˈthropodal)
Word origin
C19 from NL, from Gk arthron joint + podus footed, from pous foot
arthropod in American English
(ˈɑrθroʊˌpɑd; ˈɑrθrəˌpɑd)
any of the largest phylum (Arthropoda) of invertebrate animals with jointed legs,a segmented body, and an exoskeleton, including insects, crustaceans, arachnids, andmyriapods
Derived forms
arthropodal (arˈthropodal) (ɑrˈθrɑpədəl)
adjective or arˈthropodan (ɑrˈθrɑpədən) or arˈthropodous (ɑrˈθrɑpədəs)