Oxford or oxford cloth is a type of cotton fabric, used especially for men's shirts.
[mainly US]
This pure cotton Oxford shirt comes in three colors.
I hugged him, smelling new oxford cloth and warm skin.
Oxford in British English1
a city in S England, administrative centre of Oxfordshire, at the confluence of the Rivers Thames and Cherwell: Royalist headquarters during the Civil War; seat of Oxford University, consisting of 40 separate colleges, the oldest being University College (1249), and Oxford Brookes University (1993);motor-vehicle industry. Pop: 143 016 (2001)
▶ Related word: Oxonian
2. Also called: Oxford Down
a breed of sheep with middle-length wool and a dark brown face and legs
a type of stout laced shoe with a low heel
a lightweight fabric of plain or twill weave used esp for men's shirts
Oxford in American English
city in SC England; county seat of Oxfordshire & the site of Oxford University: county district pop. 110,000
Word origin
OE Oxenaford < oxan, gen. pl. of oxa, ox + ford, ford: originally, place where oxen forded the river
oxford in American English
a type of low shoe laced over the instep
: also oxford shoe
a cotton or rayon fabric with a basketlike weave, used for shirts, etc.
: also oxford cloth
Word origin
after Oxford
Oxford in British English2
1st Earl of. title of (Robert) Harley
Word lists with
fabric, inhabitant
Definition of 'Oxford'
Oxford in British English1
a city in S England, administrative centre of Oxfordshire, at the confluence of the Rivers Thames and Cherwell: Royalist headquarters during the Civil War; seat of Oxford University, consisting of 40 separate colleges, the oldest being University College (1249), and Oxford Brookes University (1993);motor-vehicle industry. Pop: 143 016 (2001)
▶ Related word: Oxonian
2. Also called: Oxford Down
a breed of sheep with middle-length wool and a dark brown face and legs
a type of stout laced shoe with a low heel
a lightweight fabric of plain or twill weave used esp for men's shirts