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View usage for: (oʊvəʳhwelm) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense overwhelms, present participle overwhelming, past tense, past participle overwhelmed1. verbIf you are overwhelmed by a feeling or event, it affects you very strongly, and you do not know how to deal with it. He was overwhelmed by a longing for times past. [be VERB-ed] The need to talk to someone, anyone, overwhelmed her. [VERB noun] Synonyms: overcome, overpower, devastate [informal], stagger More Synonyms of overwhelm overwhelmed adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE] Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise. [+ by] 2. verbIf a group of people overwhelm a place or another group, they gain complete control or victory over them. It was clear that one massive Allied offensive would overwhelm the weakened enemy. [VERB noun] Synonyms: destroy, beat, defeat, overcome More Synonyms of overwhelm More Synonyms of overwhelm overwhelm in British English (ˌəʊvəˈwɛlm) verb (transitive)1. to overpower the thoughts, emotions, or senses of 2. to overcome with irresistible force 3. to overcome, as with a profusion or concentration of something 4. to cover over or bury completely 5. to weigh or rest upon overpoweringly overwhelm in American English (ˌoʊvərˈhwɛlm; ˌoʊvərˈwɛlm) verb transitive1. to pour down upon and cover over or bury beneath 2. to make helpless, as with greater force or deep emotion; overcome; crush; overpower 3. Obsolete to overthrow or overturn Derived forms overwhelming (ˌoverˈwhelming) adjective overwhelmingly (ˌoverˈwhelmingly) adverb Word origin ME oferwhelmen: see over- & whelm Examples of 'overwhelm' in a sentenceoverwhelm There was an overwhelming need for rationalisation and simplification of the present area of the law.There was a mill he went through and the scars remain but yesterday he left with an overwhelming feeling of relief.He quickly overwhelmed the defending forces and took the city of York.Other feelings may overwhelm you which are'normal' in terms of the grief process.Alongside the impact of your father's aggressive behaviour when you were growing up, this would only add to your overwhelming feelings of anxiety.If you are worried about intense feelings that overwhelm you all the time, then talk to your GP.Sometimes things can get a little overwhelming.Inch by inch he dragged himself into its overwhelming force.In certain situations the volume of people can be overwhelming.It was wonderful and completely overwhelming all at the same time.Suddenly government will be overwhelmed by the need to rearrange its trade affairs.Why is she so anxious and feeling so overwhelmed at times that her anxiety spirals into panic?But the sheer number of people infected is overwhelming.It was completely overwhelming and surreal at the same time.No one had predicted the overwhelming need for the charity.The overwhelming feeling is one of powerlessness.But the overwhelming majority of people are able to book within a week.He settled in quickly and is lovingly cared for despite his overwhelming medical needs.It was a feeling of overwhelming love.Consequently they saw no reason why they should engage the enemy unless they did so in overwhelming force.But in reality they had done what parties to a civil war usually do when faced with overwhelming force.And it can feel completely overwhelming.They were truly doing their best, but they were a little overwhelmed.The kitchen got a little overwhelmed, but the service is eager and more pub than grub.Inevitably, parts of the archipelago have been a little overwhelmed by tourism. In other languagesoverwhelm British English: overwhelm VERB If you are overwhelmed by a feeling or event, it affects you very strongly, and you do not know how to deal with it. He was overwhelmed by a longing for times past. - American English: overwhelm
- Brazilian Portuguese: assolar
- Chinese: > 使不知所措强烈地影响而
- European Spanish: abrumar
- French: accabler
- German: überwältigen
- Italian: sopraffare
- Japanese: 感極まらせる
- Korean: ~에서 헤어나지 못하다
- European Portuguese: assolar
- Latin American Spanish: abrumar
Chinese translation of 'overwhelm' vt - (= affect deeply) [feelings, emotions]
使不知所措 (shǐ bù zhī suǒ cuò) - (= defeat) [opponent, enemy etc]
制服 (zhìfú)
Definition to overpower the thoughts, emotions, or senses of (someone) He was overwhelmed by a longing for times past. Synonyms get the better of bowl over (informal) knock (someone) for six (informal) render speechless render incapable render powerless render helpless sweep (someone) off their feet take (someone's) breath away Definition to overcome (people) with irresistible force One massive assault would overwhelm the weakened enemy. Synonyms wipe out knock out put paid to immobilize make mincemeat of (informal) cut to pieces The small Pacific island could be overwhelmed by rising sea levels. Synonyms swamp bury crush beset snow under Additional synonymsDefinition to destroy (a place or a group of people) completely The army was annihilated. Synonyms destroy, abolish, wipe out, erase, eradicate, extinguish, obliterate, liquidate, root out, exterminate, nullify, extirpate (archaic), wipe from the face of the earth, kennet (Australian, slang), jeff (Australian, slang) Definition to overcome or defeat He was easily beaten into third place. Synonyms defeat, outdo, trounce, overcome, stuff (slang), master, tank (slang), crush, overwhelm, conquer, lick (informal), undo, subdue, excel, surpass, overpower, outstrip, clobber (slang), vanquish, outrun, subjugate, run rings around (informal), wipe the floor with (informal), knock spots off (informal), make mincemeat of (informal), pip at the post, outplay, blow out of the water (slang), put in the shade (informal), bring to their knees Definition to defeat (an opponent or opponents) a Navajo myth about a great warrior who conquers the spiritual enemies of his people Synonyms defeat, overcome, overthrow, beat, stuff (slang), master, tank (slang), triumph, crush, humble, lick (informal), undo, subdue, rout, overpower, quell, get the better of, clobber (slang), vanquish, subjugate, prevail over, checkmate, run rings around (informal), wipe the floor with (informal), make mincemeat of (informal), put in their place, blow out of the water (slang), bring to their knees Additional synonymsDefinition to control or subdue by force The military operation was the first step in a plan to crush the uprising. Synonyms overcome, overwhelm, put down, subdue, overpower, quash, quell, extinguish, stamp out, vanquish (literary), conquerDefinition to win a victory over His troops defeated the opposing army. Synonyms beat, crush, overwhelm, conquer, stuff (slang), master, worst, tank (slang), overthrow, lick (informal), undo, subdue, rout, overpower, quell, trounce, clobber (slang), vanquish, repulse, subjugate, run rings around (informal), wipe the floor with (informal), make mincemeat of (informal), pip at the post, outplay, blow out of the water (slang) Definition to overwhelm The office was deluged with complaints. Synonyms overwhelm, swamp, engulf, overload, overrun, inundateIf word of this gets out, it will devastate his family. Synonyms shatter, overwhelm, confound, floor (informal) Definition to immerse, plunge, or swallow up The flat was engulfed in flames. Synonyms immerse, bury, flood (out), plunge, consume, drown, swamp, encompass, submerge, overrun, inundate, deluge, envelop, swallow up Definition to destroy or get rid of completely battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus Synonyms wipe out, eliminate, remove, destroy, get rid of, abolish, erase, excise, extinguish, stamp out, obliterate, uproot, weed out, annihilate, put paid to, root out, efface, exterminate, expunge (formal), extirpate, wipe from the face of the earth Definition to cover or become covered with water The house was flooded. Synonyms immerse, swamp, submerge, inundate, deluge, drown, cover with water Definition to overwhelm, as if with a flood Her office was inundated with requests for tickets. Synonyms overwhelm, flood, swamp, engulf, overflow, overrun, glutDefinition to defeat He might be able to lick us all in a fair fight. Synonyms beat, defeat, overcome, best, top, stuff (slang), tank (slang), undo, rout, excel, surpass, outstrip, outdo, trounce, clobber (slang), vanquish, run rings around (informal), wipe the floor with (informal), blow out of the water (slang) Definition to kill people indiscriminately in large numbers Troops indiscriminately massacred the defenceless population. Synonyms slaughter, kill, murder, butcher, take out (slang), wipe out, slay (archaic, literary), blow away (slang, US), annihilate, exterminate, mow down, cut to pieces Additional synonymsDefinition to conquer or subdue (someone) by superior force It took four police officers to overpower him. Synonyms overcome, master, overwhelm, overthrow, subdue, quell, get the better of, subjugate, prevail over, immobilize, bring (someone) to their knees (informal), render incapable, render powerless, render helpless, get the upper hand over Britain's tennis No.1 yesterday overpowered his American rival. Synonyms defeat, beat, tank (slang), crush, lick (informal), triumph over, best, clobber (slang), stuff (slang), vanquish, be victorious (over), wipe the floor with (informal), make mincemeat of (informal), worstDefinition to defeat and replace (a ruler or government) by force The government was overthrown in a military coup three years ago. Synonyms defeat, beat, master, overcome, crush, overwhelm, conquer, bring down, oust, lick (informal), topple, subdue, rout, overpower, do away with, depose, trounce, unseat, vanquish (literary), subjugate, dethroneDefinition to exhaust physically or emotionally The prostrated army shuffled and reordered. Synonyms lay low, reduce, overcome, ruin, depress, crush, overwhelm, overturn, overthrow, disarm, paralyse, bring low Definition to suppress (rebellion or unrest) Troops eventually quelled the unrest. Synonyms suppress, crush, put down, defeat, overcome, conquer, subdue, stifle, overpower, quash, extinguish, stamp out, vanquish (literary), squelch Definition to defeat and put to flight The Norman army routed the English opposition. Synonyms defeat, beat, overthrow, thrash, stuff (slang), worst, destroy, chase, tank (slang), crush, scatter, conquer, lick (informal), dispel, drive off, overpower, clobber (slang), wipe the floor with (informal), cut to pieces, put to flight, drub, put to rout, throw back in confusion Definition to defeat or destroy The authorities were trying to smash a smuggling ring. Synonyms destroy, ruin, wreck, total (slang), defeat, overthrow, trash (slang), lay waste Definition to amaze or shock (someone) The whole thing staggers me. Synonyms astound, amaze, stun, surprise, shock, shake, overwhelm, astonish, confound, take (someone) aback, bowl over (informal), stupefy, strike (someone) dumb, throw off balance, give (someone) a shock, dumbfound, nonplus, flabbergast (informal), take (someone's) breath away Definition to overcome and bring (a person or people) under control by persuasion or force They admit they have not been able to subdue the rebels. Synonyms overcome, defeat, master, break, control, discipline, crush, humble, put down, conquer, tame, overpower, overrun, trample, quell, triumph over, get the better of, vanquish (literary), beat down, get under control, get the upper hand over, gain ascendancy over Definition to bring (a group of people) under one's control Their costly attempt to subjugate the citizens lasted 10 years. Synonyms conquer, master, overcome, defeat, crush, suppress, put down, overthrow, tame, lick (informal), subdue, overpower, quell, rule over, enslave, vanquish (literary), hold sway over, bring to heel, bring (someone) to their knees, bring under the yoke Additional synonymsDefinition to involve totally He was suddenly submerged in an avalanche of scripts and offers. Synonyms overwhelm, swamp, engulf, overload, inundate, deluge, snow under, overburden Definition to defeat (someone) in a battle, contest, or argument a happy ending in which the hero vanquishes the monsters Synonyms defeat, beat, conquer, reduce, stuff (slang), master, tank (slang), overcome, crush, overwhelm, put down, lick (informal), undo, subdue, rout, repress, overpower, quell, triumph over, clobber (slang), subjugate, run rings around (informal), wipe the floor with (informal), blow out of the water (slang), put to flight, get the upper hand over, put to rout |